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05 June, 2021

Five Ways to Bring Provence to Your Patio

We can't travel to France right now so I've decided to bring France to me! Several years ago I spent a few wonderful weeks touring France to celebrate my retirement, the highlight of which was a stay in an old farmhouse in Provence. It had a charming patio that welcomed us each time we came through the gate. I would love to be able to come home to that feeling every evening but I have to be realistic. I just don't have that house to work with as a backdrop! So I have come up with five very easy ways to add that charm without the price of an airline ticket!

1. Create a cozy area for seating 
Your patio might not be large but it can be welcoming. A table and chairs invite your guests to sit and enjoy themselves, creating the perfect little area for dining or just relaxing.

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Dining Outdoors...French Style2. Layer on linens 
The addition of linens and a few simple touches can turn your table into a little mini visit to Provence.

Or even just a placemat and napkin in a pretty Provençal pattern can make you feel that you are having your café au lait in a little village in Provence profonde. 
 3. Add a fountain
This was the fountain at our farmhouse...a classic French beauty! There's just something about the sound of running water that adds a soothing element!

However, it doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate. Here's the little fountain on my patio. It provides the same soothing sounds as its frenchy counterpart. And...Miss Kitty demonstrates that it can even be useful for drinking!
Mine is filled with water hyacinths that muffle the sound a bit but are so beautiful when they bloom!

 4. Add pots of aromatic herbs
Miss Kitty would also like to show you the newly planted French lavender. In a few weeks, it will bloom and that wonderful scent that just says Provence will permeate my patio!

I have also added a little mini garden of herbs that I can cut from all summer. Just watering the rosemary brings out its oh-so-frenchy scent!

5. Add a little unexpected frenchy touch
I have an oversized escargot who lives on my patio each summer! Yes, he's missing an antenna and he's grown a little rusty...

  ...but he reminds me of seeing the escargot crawling on the trees in Provence! No, I am not a fan of eating them but it surely does make me smile to see them!

And that's it...five really simple and easy ways to bring Provence to your patio! I plan to do a lot of patio sitting while the weather is nice and it helps to have a little "pretend" vacation to Provence while I am there! 

And if you would like to read about our visit to the farmhouse in Provence, you will find all the details HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Debbie, What a fun post! Looking forward to traveling again! We last went to Ireland and we took our daughter to Florence after she passed the CPA exam. have a great weekend! laura


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