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17 November, 2008

A Little Cyber Vacation...or...A Week in Provence

Have you read this book? If not, I highly recommend it. It was the inspiration of my retirement trip to the Luberon in the heart of Provence...Peter Mayle country! I would like to take you on a tour of the wonderful place where we stayed for "A Week in Provence."

IMG_0204 I found this mas online...a provençal home with all of its out-buildings… in Lagnes, near l'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue. It is an old silk worm farm from the 1700's that has been refurbished. Could it be more perfect?

IMG_0206 Upon closer inspection the little white things on the trees along the drive turn out to be...ESCARGOTS...SNAILS!

IMG_0203 Our apartment was around the corner...

IMG_0140 past the fountain... (can you hear the water?)

IMG_0137 through the big door...(psst....the key is under the flower pot)...

IMG_0098 into the courtyard...

IMG_0097 up the stairs to the left...

IMG_0096 past the old fig tree...

IMG_0095 onto the little landing...

IMG_0107 where we ate every meal when we weren't eating out (That's my best friend studying our guide books)...

and into the living room/kitchen/dining room area. Don't you love the beams?

IMG_0099 Isn't this fireplace great?

IMG_0100  Here's my room...comfy bed...real euro

IMG_0101 The view from my room. I swear this plant grew nightly..."Feed me, Seymour!"

IMG_0207 There is a pool....

IMG_0287 and even a cat...what else could you want??
Isn't this just the perfect place to use as your headquarters for a week in Provence?
I hope you enjoyed this little vacation! I needed it myself...although my friend says that when you are retired, you are always on vacation! Pack your bags...I'm ready to go again!

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  1. I'm wondering did my comment take?? This silly thing has been acting up all day...lynne

  2. Oh my gosh Debbie...How I wish I could go there & with you!! I'm on my way now to show my DH your favorite pastry...he does LOVE eclairs...this was wonderful! ;-) Bo

  3. Hi Debbie.. going to try this again. What a memorable week you must have had. I love the cat in the window..looks like it was posing just for your picture.. next trip you take call..and I'll pack my bags and go along..ok maybe only in my dreams and
    hugs ~lynne~

  4. Oh Debbie what a dream vacation that was...oh girl you were the best tour guide..loved that apartment and that fig tree WOW!! what a great country France is...just beautiful thanks so much for letting me go along girl...hugs and smiles Gloria

  5. What a wonderful cyber vacation. Thanks so much. I didn't need any shots or even a passport.

  6. I so want to go, and I want to stay in this wonderfully charming place! This is so perfectly France. Loved my tour, but it did make me have some wanderlust! laurie

  7. Oh, Debbie, what a fabulous tour. I love to see the beautiful old homes they have there. Such a gorgeous place to have as home base. I don't know if I could have left. Thanks for the tour.

  8. What a beautiful, enchanting place to stay. They even provided a cat! Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures and the tour.

  9. Hi Debbie, What a dream spot. Loved every photo and looked at each in detail. You know my favorite always ends up being an animal. How sweet was that kitty? :) Sounds like a wonderful book. ~Melissa

  10. Hi Debbie, Thanks for your visit and you sweet comments. This looks like a dream vacation! What a beautiful place to stay. thanks for the tour, I needed a vacation after all this work I've been doing! He He. Kristen

  11. Hi Debbie!!!! OH CAN I COME WITH!!!!!! I'm afraid to read that book...I might start making reservations!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You lived in such a lovely place!!!! I love courtyards...and the stairway to your cool is that!!!!! I can totally see why you'd want to go looks like an enchanting place!!!! CHEERS Michele

  12. I want to be where you are. What a lovely
    place. Thank you for stopping over I will post the ribbon once the fireplace is completed.
    Happy Holidays

  13. Oh Blossom...I wish I were there now! I only got to stay a week. Thanks for stopping by...Debbie

  14. Oh Debbie...what a wonderful place! I love the courtyard, the view from your room, the fireplace, the wall colors. Who am I kidding? I like everything about European and so countryside and so old, a perfect combination! Thank you for sharing and you are beautiful!....Christine

  15. Hi Debbie, Re "Dewey". I can tell you that he was born in 1987 know. I'm sure I will bawl my eyes at the end as well. Like no other book I've read before. Mostly because he is so similiar to our cat Chestnut.
    No major "tragedies" or anything. It is amazing what he did for that small town in Iowa. I wouldn't let it stop you from reading it.~Melissa

  16. Deb, Oh what a lovely trip I just took with you. Thankyou so much for taking me along. It looks exactly like I would have pictured in my minds eye. I love the picture of the ooutdoor staircase. What a beautiful surroundings. I bet it filled your heart up when you did this post. When you speak of things you are passionate your words just sing. Keep singing Deb I love your Tune. Hugs Kathysue

  17. Take me away to this place that you visited.
    Thank you for stopping by this morning. I have the ornaments on the chocolate tree but I didnt't take a photo at 1:00am this morning.
    Just posted the guest bedroom.
    Happy Holidays

  18. It does take time, time is something that I cherish when I get it. Doing weddings and woring full time at two of our business, doesn' give me any free time. So I am decorating in the evening only. Takes for ever to get the trees up. I put trees in every room; I may have to cut down this year. Thank you for stopping by.
    Happy Holidays


  20. Debbie I don't know how I mised this?!! What a lovely place for a vacation!! Dreamy dreamy!! Thank you for sharing it with us! Vanna

  21. Just wonderful! I love the bedroom with the doors! You have given me an idea for I am putting in a French Door leading to no where, I can use the iron railing! Yes! Later I hope to add a small glass room beyond the door! Thank You! so much! I love the shutters too, Hubby going to build me some, now I know what I want! lol

  22. Debbie, I love all the Mayle books, A year in Provence, my favorite. I've been to Provence too, wish I had stayed HERE! This is what comes to mind when daydreaming of my next trip there. Beautiful courtyard, Provencal Blue shutters and those stairs, how romantic.
    Have a wonderful Sunday, and thanks for sharing a little touch of Provence!

    The French Hutch

  23. I want to go there. Can you share where you stayed and exactly how you found this place? Looks ideal!

  24. Hi Janice! Just email me at and I will send you the info! It was a terrific location!...Debbie

  25. Just found your blog and enjoying perusing your pages - lovely!

  26. Such a wonderful post. Made me want to be there and for time to stop for quite a while. I've always wanted to visit France but probably never will, so will live vicariously through generous bloggers like you who will share their photos and narratives with us. Thanks again.


  27. Thanks so much for those beautiful pictures of where you stayed, It had to be a dream vacation. Glad you had a wonderful time. Rose Marie

  28. Loved to revisit this post. Now that I’ve actually been to Paris (and Vicenza), did you notice how they don’t have screens on their windows? I was there in late September/early October. In Vicenza, I was afraid the pigeons from the Basilica Paladina (which was right next door to our Airbnb) would fly in. I read somewhere that mosquitos and gnats don’t fly higher than the 2nd floor. Could that be why? In Paris, my friend’s flat was on the 4th floor.

  29. The outside reminds me of the villa in the movie Silk (2007). Beautiful.

  30. The outside of the villa reminds me of the one in the movie Silk (2007). Beautiful.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie