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08 March, 2020

10 Fun Ways to Add Bunnies to Your Spring Decor

Spring has definitely sprung early here in Georgia and Easter is only a few weeks away! So if you are a DIYer like me, that means it's time to start thinking about getting your craft on! I try not to go overboard and be too cutesy, but for me, it just wouldn't be spring without a few rascally rabbits scattered about! Sooo...I am sharing my ten favorite ways to add those iconic bunnies to your spring décor.

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Whimsical Easter Mantel1. On the Mantel
Of course, it's the prime location for bunnies! Check out my WHIMSICAL EASTER MANTEL starring my natural fiber bunnies for a little rustic touch.

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Rustic Easter Box2. In a Centerpiece
Here's a chippy favorite...MY RUSTIC BOX DRESSED FOR EASTER! Add a few Easter eggs and carrots and you are good to go!

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Pottery Barn Inspired Bunny Garland3. In a Garland
My POTTERY BARN BUNNY GARLAND is fun and inexpensive to make and so easy that the kiddos could help!

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT No-Sew Bunny & Carrot Wreath4. Starring in a Wreath
Here's my favorite spring NO-SEW BUNNY AND CARROT WREATH. It was fun to make and I didn't have to pull out the sewing machine...always a plus!

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Pottery Barn Inspired Bunny Banner5. Added to a Banner
Here's another project for your front POTTERY BARN INSPIRED BURLAP BUNNY BANNER! was soooo inexpensive to make!

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Pier 1 Inspired Bunny Ear Napkin Rings6. As a Napkin Ring
Cute burlap bunny ears top these easy and inexpensive to make PIER 1 INSPIRED NAPKIN RINGS...the perfect addition to your spring table!

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT No-Sew Bunny Ear  Silverware Pocket7. As a Silverware Pocket
Round up all of the silverware in these NO-SEW BUNNY EAR SILVERWARE POCKETS for a whimsical addition  for your spring tablescape!

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT No-Sew Egg Cozy8. Topping Your Egg Cups
What's more fun than a BUNNY EGG COZY? And they are not only inexpensive but require no sewing!

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT No-Sew Burlap Bunny Treat Bag9. Added to Treat Bags
As a fun Easter surprise for my little grands, I created these NO-SEW BUNNY TREAT BAGS and used them as a part of the centerpiece for my POTTERY BARN INSPIRED EASTER TABLESCAPE. Paint chip cards serve as fun Easter eggs tags.

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Ballard Inspired French Bunny Pillow10. Add a French Touch to a Pillow
Here's another way to include bunnies in your decor that is a little more BALLARD INSPIRED FRENCH BUNNY PILLOW. The free graphic is included in the tutorial.

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Peeps Mason Jar Candles4_thumb[3]Hey, I know I said ten, but here's one PEEPS MASON JAR CANDLES! You've gotta love them even if you don't eat them!
And I am working on a few more super-easy and inexpensive spring projects with bunnies, so stay tuned!

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1 comment:

  1. Debbie, Thanks so much for all the cute Easter ideas. You are very clever with your Pottery Barn and Ballard’s inspired ideas. I guess I better get cracking with my Easter decor!


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