- A straw wreath form (I got mine at Michaels for about $3.50 with a coupon.)
- Two sweaters…one for the wreath and one preferably made of wool for the flowers (Mine came from Goodwill. I chose one in cream and one in charcoal grey.)
- Buttons for the flower centers (I took mine from one of the sweaters.)
- Strips of burlap
- Strips of white sheeting
- Stapler
- Hot glue gun
- Straight pins
1. Wrap the strips of sheeting around the wreath from, stapling them in place as you go. This will keep the straw from looking quite so lumpy and showing through.
2. Cut the sleeves from the sweater that you plan to use for the wreath. (Don’t worry…I am going to share a project that will use the rest of your sweater in a moment!)
3. Cut the sleeves open along the seam line.
4. Wrap one of the sleeves around the wreath form, pinning it in place as you go and leaving the finished edge open. (I tried stapling, but it was just too thick.) Stretch the sleeve and overlap on the back side of the wreath as needed to achieve a smooth look.
6. Hot glue the sleeves in place. I didn’t bother to remove the pins.
7. Trim the remaining overlap from the sleeves to create a neat back for your wreath.
8. And…taaa daa!…it’s done! Now you are ready to add flowers!
First, I made two burlap roses. You can find the tutorial here.
Next, I made five flowers using the charcoal grey wool sweater. It is best to felt the wool (basically wash it in the washing machine on hot and dry it in the dryer on high) so that it will not fray. But...I think someone had accidentally already done that with mine since it was an extra-large and looked like it would fit a toddler! lol Here’s what I did:
- I cut flower shapes in three sizes using the pattern that I found here.
- I stacked the three shapes from largest to smallest using the glue gun to add a bit of glue to the center of each one.
- Finally, I added the button. I actually cut the button away from the sweater, leaving the thread intact so that it looks like I sewed it all together. Smart, huh?
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