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12 August, 2013

Please Join Me for The Scoop #79

Welcome to another edition of The Scoop! It's been a busy week for me with the grands starting back to school and August cranking up as birthday month in my family!  I am beginning to feel a few little fall vibes in the air and teensy-weensy visions of pumpkins are just starting to dance in my head! What about you?

And once again, I enjoyed reading your links and shared some of them here on my blog. What is it about letters and numbers? I am also featuring some of your links on my new Pinterest board Shared at The Scoop Linky Party and I have shared them on my blog's Facebook page. Soooo...please know that linking up on The Scoop will not only get you more exposure on multiple blogs, but on Pinterest and Facebook as well! What a great deal, huh?

Now...on to the party! Our host this week is Anita at Cedar Hill Ranch!
I hope you are not tired of hearing about my new house, because I'm not sure I can talk about anything else this week.  Here are the built-in cabinets in the master closet. The electrician put the wrong chandy here. This one goes over the tub. Any you might notice they still need to come by and paint the walls.

Moving day is Thursday!!!  #JumpingUpandDown
The good news is that we are just moving 30 minutes away and we will have the old house for at least a few weeks so we don't have to have it completely empty and clean the day we move.
Be sure to like Cedar Hill Ranch on Facebook to get my up-to-the-minute moving day posts.  And I'm going to need you on call, in case I have a moving day meltdown.  I might need lots of virtual hugs on moving day, and if you see a picture of someone curled up in a fetal position, that could be me.

Welcome back to The Scoop!

We are 
Anita from Cedar Hill Ranch,
Linsey from Farmhouse Porch,
and Anne from White Lace Cottage.
Our guest hosts will join us again in the fall.
And now...on to the features!


Thank you for linking up, friends!
Please read the guidelines before participating:
  • Follow and/or subscribe to your host blog.
  • Be sure to include THE SCOOP button or text link to in your linked post...mandatory to be featured!
  • By linking up you are agreeing that the photos are yours or that you have permission to use them, that we may use those photos to feature your project on a blog post, Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter with a link back to your blog, of course.
  • Please go to the source of a photo to pin it to Pinterest so that the originator of the post gets the credit.

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  1. Thanks so much for featuring my repurposed chicken feeder! {insert squeals of glee here} I'm thrilled and thanks for having me this week :)

  2. Debbie, these are beautiful features! Thanks so much for hosting. Glad to link up!

  3. Thank you for hosting the party. Great features. laurie

  4. Running late!! Finally made it!! Thanks so much for hosting The Scoop!

  5. Debbie,

    I came over today to check out the party and see the new links and what a surprise! I'm thrilled and simply delighted to have my cottage chic living room makeover featured on the Scoop! A big huge thank you to you, the team and all the talented bloggers who checked out the makeover! I'm not ready for fall but it sure feels like it here in Michigan. Thanks for hosting the party! I'm off to check out all of the other great features for this week.

  6. Thank you for hosting, Debbie.

  7. Hope you have a great week Debbie! Thanks for hosting:@)

  8. Hi Debbie thanks for hosting this week's party. I'm happy to be linking up!

  9. Thank you so much for hosting! Have a great week:)

  10. I don't think I will ever tire of seeing Anita's home and I have loved watching it progress and can't wait to see the end result. All the features were great, but that amazing white-painted armoire really caught me eye. WOW! Thanks Deb and ladies for hosting a great party! xxoo

  11. Thanks so much for the feature this week! What a wonderful surprise! I really appreciate it and so love visiting all the creative blogs that link up at The Scoop. Thanks so much, ladies, for hosting such a fun party.

  12. Delightful features. This is such an amazing party, Debbie. Thanks for hosting.

  13. I enjoy this party so much. Maybe one day I'll have a post to share here! Right now no pumpkins in my head, just visions of the Eiffel Tower as I head into Paris in 21 days!!!!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie