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30 June, 2013

My Debut at The Scoop...and...Bye Bye Google Reader

 64170_4719850152887_625893102_nJust a couple of quick reminders for you! First, don’t forget to head over to my blog Monday night July 1st at 6:00 pm Eastern Daylight time and bring your posts with you for my debut as a host on The Scoop linky party! I have been sharing my ideas with you for almost five years and now you get to share yours with me! I can’t wait to see! I’ll be there every Monday night at the same time so remember to head over and show me what you’ve got!

Also…as of tomorrow, July 1st, Google Reader will be going away. Sooo…if you use a feed reader to keep up with your favorite blogs, you will need to switch. I am using Bloglovin’ and I love it! They have made it super easy to import all of your blogs from Google Reader so head on over so you won’t miss any posts. You will find instructions for how to do it here. If you don’t already subscribe to my blog in a reader, you can find me on Bloglovin’ here or by clicking on the button above, at the bottom of each post or on the sidebar. You will also find some other alternatives here.
See you tomorrow night!

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  1. I am following on Bloglovin',too. I hope I did it right and that I don't just disappear I'll be popping around to get The Scoop! xo Diana

  2. I followed your directions on how to age paper and it came out so beautiful !
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    Your blog is such an inspiration!!
    Thank you,

  3. I follow via email, I would never be without a post from your blog!!


  4. Debbie, I'm having issues with Bloglovin' so I just decided to put buttons and my blog list on my sidebar....and guess what? It's still there! YAY! So that's how I'll follow you. My blog list is still there and it's been updated this morning!


  5. I think Bloglovin is the best. I can't figure out diddly about Feedly.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie