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17 June, 2012

Charles Faudree Giveaway Winner!

Charles FaudreeFirst, I would like to thank those of you who left so many wonderful comments and expressed an interest in my blog! I never would have thought when I started blogging that my little blog would grow as it has…and I owe it all to you, my readers! Sooo…I want to take this opportunity to tell you how much I appreciate you all! Thanks for almost four years of bloggy love and support!

I am excited to announce the winner of a copy of Charles Faudree’s Details. The random number generator chose Mary J. Mary says she loves Charles Faudree and only owns one of his books…and it is dog-eared! lol I understand! Sooo…Mary, just email me your address and your book will be on its way!

Once again, thanks so much to all of you! I wish I had a book for each and every one of you. I appreciate so much all the love and support you have shown me. Merci beaucoup, mes amis! Thanks so much, my sweet bloggy friends!


  1. Four years! That is awesome Deb. Congrats on putting out a very successful and super enjoyable blog. And congrats to Mary J for winning such a wonderful prize. I know you will enjoy it!

  2. Congratulations to the winner and congrats to your for such a successful blog! You done good!;>) xo Diana

  3. Hi,
    Blogging is a wonderful way to express our inner self. I love your posts and I have been looking at some older ones too. Will be looking for a copy of Details online and maybe at the thrift stores too.
    Betty @ My Cozy Corner

  4. Congrats to the winner and congrats to you too Debbie!
    I had so wanted to get over here earlier to sign up, but sometimes life gets in my way!
    You are one of the first blogs I ever found and you just get better all the time!
    Hugs friend,

  5. Hi Debbie,
    We are the ones who benefit from your wonderful blog. Keep it going forever and ever and I'll always be stopping by to read your posts and see your lovely photos.

    Congrats to the winner.


  6. Congratulations to to Lucky Mary!
    And ANOTHER Congratulation to you on your blogging anniversary...
    Thank you SO MUCH for having this fun giveaway that kept us all excited waiting!
    Have a WONDERFUL Week,
    Big Hugs,

  7. Congratulations to Mary. What a lucky lady. I know she will enjoy this book.
    Thanks for all the time and effort that goes into Confessions of a Plate Addict. I look forward to each new post, Debbie. ~ sarah

  8. Congratulation Mary! And a big thank you to Debbie for the wonderful blog :o))
    Rose H

  9. Congrats to Mary! Sounds like she will definitely enjoying adding this book and congrats to you on almost four years of blogging! I think it's such a great creative outlet and a fun way to 'meet' other people who enjoy doing what you do!

  10. Congratulations to Mary for winning the book. You are so generous to host this great give away.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie