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13 August, 2018

The Scoop #339

Hi everyone and welcome back to The Scoop! We are so glad that you are joining our party! I am really excited this week because my EASY SWEATER PUMPKINS were featured in Country Sampler magazine's Autumn Decorating issue! Be sure to check it out HERE to find instructions for making your own! Now...I want to see what you brought to the party so let's get started!  

Welcome back to The Scoop!
The weekly link party featuring the scoop from the best of the best around the web.
The Scoop Link Party
We are:

Suzy from Worthing Court
Yvonne from StoneGable

Your hostess this week is Suzy from Worthing Court.
Suzy from Worthing Court Blog
Hey there Scoop friends!
Here we are, at the middle of August and summer is winding down. I've been busy, busy this past week working on my fall decorations, which is hard to do when it's still in the 90's and humid outside!
If you follow me on Instagram, then you may have already seen what I was doing on my mantel. That was easy, but I'm struggling a little to come up with something new for the shelves in my breakfast room. I keep looking back at what I did last year hoping to get some inspiration! Do you ever do that when you're stumped?

Take a look at what all of us have been up to!

 Thank you so much to everyone who linked up last week! Here are a few that caught my eye.

Now, let's see what you have to share this week!

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  1. Wow congrats for getting your pumpkins in the magazine!! That is wonderful! And, they are so cute! My links are #187, #188, and #189.

  2. Thank you for hosting this lovely party! We've actually had a break from the heat this week, which has been really nice! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. Thank you so much for the ottoman feature this week and co-hosting the perfect link party!

  4. Thank you for the feature, and letting us "party" with you! Hugs!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie