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30 August, 2020

Country Living Inspired Découpage Pumpkins

I have noticed an old-back-to-new-again trend while looking for fall inspiration...découpage pumpkins! So I am thinking it's time to pull out some favorites to star in this year's fall décor…my Country Living inspired pumpkins! I knew this would be my project when I spied…

countrylivingpumpkins  …this! Isn’t this simply gorgeous?  I love the way the pumpkins look as though they have been covered with fabric even though it is actually paper! So I went right to work assembling what I needed. And, as luck would have it, just about everything was half price at Michael’s…including the cream faux pumpkins!

088 I decided that a few things about my pumpkins would be different from those in Country Living. First, I chose a damask pattern rather than toile for one of them. There’s already so much toile in my house and I wanted these pumpkins to stand out. And then, I also decided that I would use the cream pumpkins just as they are rather than paint them white. That just fits better with my décor. Other than that, for the most part, I followed their instructions, found online here.

pageFor the damask pumpkin:  
1. I chose a fabric with a simple damask pattern that would be easy to work with like Premier Prints Avery in Greenage...although any damask would do...and bought just enough to have one repeat of the design. I scanned and printed it, making several copies. I used Walmart's cheapest copy paper so that it would be as thin as possible.  Remember…you are working with paper copies of fabric…not fabric!
2. Next, I cut them out and spaced them according to the design, taping them to the pumpkin.
3. I removed the tape and attached each piece of the design to the pumpkin one by one, using matte finish Mod Podge…my new BFF. (Mine was a 25 cent yard sale find.) The process requires some finesse and patience and, quite honestly, it helps if you have some experience with découpaging  spheres.
4. Give the pumpkin a thin all-over coat, let dry and you are done!
This was the easiest one, so if you only want one, I suggest this one!

page1 The calico print pumpkin was a little harder:
1. I couldn’t find any fabric that would do, so I bought scrap booking paper and scanned and printed it. The scrap booking paper would be too thick as is. Plus, I needed about 3 pages to cover the pumpkin.
2. I cut lengthwise pieces about  1 1/2 inches wide, working within the pattern. I attached them with Mod Podge as before. It helps to cut alternating notches about 1/3 of the way in to allow for the curves of the pumpkin.
3. Eventually, the strips got off a little and I had to straighten them back up by piecing in a few odd shapes. Here, you can see an empty spot I am about to cover.
4. Once again, I finished with another final all-over coat of Mod Podge and…taa daa!

015 The pumpkin quilt design was downloaded from Country Living’s web site but they have since removed it. You might look for a fabric or scrapbooking paper with a similar large design. A large scale trellis or chevron might work.
1. Make copies of your fabric or scrapbooking paper. Once again, use the cheapest you can find such as Walmart's paper since you want it to be relatively thin.
2. Cut out your design nd place it on the pumpkin with a good coat of Mod Podge. I found it helpful to make small pencil marks for the top and bottom of the design as I spaced it around the pumpkin.  3. A final coat of Mod Podge to the whole pumpkin and you are through!

stand I didn't have a suitable stand for the pumpkins, so I made my own by painting a small flower pot and a larger saucer and hot-gluing them together. They were also half-price at Michael’s! I used an ivory spray paint since my pumpkins are cream. A cake stand would certainly do the job for your display.

BK Baby Kitty says his favorite pumpkin is the one with orange patches…I wonder why!

clpumpkins1Here are my pumpkins in their copy-cat magazine pose…work it, girls!

page2 And here they are with my inspiration…not exactly alike, but just what I wanted for my house! Total spent on the project...about $25. Not bad, huh? And I'll have them forever! What do you think?

And...a little added note...I am excited to say that Country Living took note of my pumpkins and asked me to send them a photo for a small feature. Thanks, Country Living!

I am going to enjoy seeing these old girls back at work in my fall décor this year! 

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  1. These look great. I've only used a single ply of paper napkins, but copying fabric provides a lot more options.

  2. Great job! I have used the top (printed) layer of pretty paper napkins, too, as well as tissue paper. Love that Mod Podge!


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