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23 May, 2020

Easy No-Bake Strawberry Tunnel Cake

I have a super-easy dessert for you to try…just in time for Memorial Day...although honestly you can serve it all summer! It’s my No-Bake Strawberry Tunnel Cake! If you know me, you know that I don’t do anything unless it’s easy! And…this is a recipe I have been using for almost 40 years so you know I love it! You don’t even have to be able to cook! 

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Strawberry Tunnel Cake It’s kind of like an all-in-one strawberry shortcake…an angel food cake filled with a tunnel of strawberry goodness and topped with whipped cream! Yum! My family loves it!

IngredientsYou can pick up all of the ingredients at the grocery store and have it ready to serve in a jiffy, too…it’s that easy! Here’s what you need:
  • A pre-made angel food cake (Mine came from the bakery at Publix.)
  • A container of whipped topping
  • A one pound bag of frozen whole strawberries (You can substitute fresh if you like but I feel that the frozen berries help the Jello to congeal.)
  • A small (3 oz) box of strawberry Jello
  • Some fresh strawberries and blueberries to decorate the cake
You can even make a light version of the cake by using sugar-free cake (also available at Publix), sugar-free Jello and sugar or fat-free whipped topping!

Instructions And here’s what you do:
  1. Using a serrated knife, cut the top one inch off of the cake and set it aside.
  2. Cut around the cake along the inside and outside edge, being careful not to cut all the way through to the bottom and leaving about an inch on each side. Then cut the inside portion into small sections and pull them out of the cake, leaving an additional inch all along the bottom and creating a trench. Set the cake pieces aside to be used later.
  3. Heat one cup of water in the microwave and add the package of Jello, stirring it until it dissolves. Add it to the cake pieces. Cut the frozen strawberries into slices and add them to the cake mixture. Stir until the cake has absorbed the liquid.
  4. Add the cake piece/strawberry mixture to the cake, filling in the trench and smoothing it as you go to allow as much as possible to fit. I use almost all of it.
  5. Put the top back on and ice the cake with whipped topping. As you can tell from the ingredients, it must be kept in the fridge.

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Strawberry Tunnel Cake Finally, decorate the top of the cake with fresh strawberries and blueberries. And there you have it!

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Strawberry Tunnel Cake Then, just slice and serve! The strawberry-filled tunnel makes such a pretty statement, don’t you think? And the whole process takes me no more than 30 minutes and I didn’t even have to cook! Love it!

Miss Kitty loves strawberries And speaking of love…Miss Kitty loves the smell of strawberries and makes a total fool of herself when I bring them home from the store! However, you have to promise not to tell her that I showed you these embarrassing photos! Uhhmm...fortunately, there are no photos of me and my reaction to the cake!

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