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19 March, 2018

The Scoop #318

Hi everyone and welcome back to The Scoop! Can you believe that Easter is just around the corner? And spring will arrive this week! It's time to add some bunnies to...everything! lol So to give that little extra touch of spring to the table, I am sharing my CHALKBOARD BUNNY PLACE CARDS. They are so easy that I can't even call it a tutorial! Now I want to see what you are sharing, so let's get started!

Welcome back to The Scoop
The weekly party featuring the scoop on the best posts from around the web!
Yvonne from StoneGable
and Suzy from Worthing Court

Our host this week is Anita from Cedar Hill Farmhouse
It's spring, and we are all looking for inexpensive ways to give our kitchen a refresh. I've got some ideas for your kitchen, and many don't cost a thing! I've also included my very favorite bargains on Amazon. CLICK HERE.
Listen to this popular episode of our podcast - it's about how to give your home a spring refresh for under $25.

Here is what your hosts have been up to this week.

And here are just a few fabulous features from our blogging friends...

Celebrating Everyday Life shares how to make this charming cabbage centerpiece.

Cherished Bliss shared these super cute bunny sandwiches.

Maison Cinq shared mantle decorating tips.

A Delightsome Life shared her sweet baby shower tips.

So Much Better with Age shared her gorgeous kitchen and dining room tour.

And now I can't wait to see what you have to share so let's get started!

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Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie