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08 November, 2013

The Scoop on...Creating a Fall Dessert Table

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Creating a Fall Dessert Table I am so excited to be a part of the very first tour from all of us at The Scoop linky party…The Scoop on Creating Fall Vignettes! We plan to host monthly tours with a little different twist. We are asking a group of very talented bloggers to join us and share their secrets…and this month it’s how to create a vignette with a fall theme! I don’t claim to be an expert, but I can give you a few of my favorite tips. And I chose one of my favorite subjects today…dessert! 

Our co-host for today is the lovely Miss Kitty, who is actually quite the expert on vignettes since she has been posing in them long before I had a blog. It's one of her favorite things to do.

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Creating a Fall Dessert Table Please understand that I have had no training. I am just giving you a peek at things through my eyes. And be warned…I am no minimalist so I will be stacking on the plates! Sooo…here we go! When I am working on a vignette, I like to start with something as a base…a mantel, a table top, or in this burlap table square. It just pulls everything together. Next, I find a color scheme that complements my theme. It’s fall, so pops of orange and gold on white look crisp and just say autumn to me.

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Creating a Fall Dessert Table Next, you need an anchor piece. This is a dessert table…so dessert is the star! I live in Georgia and grew up with a pecan tree in my yard, so I can’t have fall without pecan pie! I put it up on a cake stand to give it more presence.

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Creating a Fall Dessert Table with TrianglesIt’s important to vary the height to give your vignette interest. In my mind’s eye, I see triangles to help me achieve that look. In this vignette, I see two triangles.

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Autumn Greeting with Triangle In a smaller one, I would go with just one. I find triangles pleasing to the eye.

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Creating a Fall Dessert Table with ArrowsYou can see that I have also paid attention to the handles. I like to have them pointing to the outside of the vignette and the items turned slightly toward the center. The tines of the forks are pointing to the center as well. This little trick seems to pull your eye into the vignette.

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Creating a Fall Dessert Table I love to have a contrast in textures! I like the look of the nubby burlap next to the smooth ironstone and the patina of the pewter flatware. My favorite combination is rustic with elegant…can you tell? You will also notice that I follow (most of the time, but not always)  decorating's # 1 rule…the rule of threes or odd numbers. See the three forks in the creamer…

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Creating a Fall Dessert Table ...and the three pops of fall color? But...there are only two cups because I liked the way the handles look going opposite directions. Another one would spoil that. Honestly, it’s not that I count things…it’s just what is pleasing to my eyes.

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Creating a Fall Dessert TableI also added print napkins for a little interest…but in colors that complement my fall color scheme and are simple and not jarring to the eye.

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Creating a Fall Dessert Table I like to vary the shapes as well. Even in this stack of plates, some are round and some are square. Adding the napkin in between adds a little interest and keeps them from looking like pancakes! Of course, you must have a slice of pie on top!

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Creating a Fall Dessert Table So there you have it…a (maybe a little scary) peek at how my mind works when I am creating a vignette! As I said…I am no expert...I just know what pleases my eyes. I hope that may have helped you in some way. But just smile and say “she surely does love her plates and her pecan pie” if not! lol

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed having a little peek at my fall dessert table! Please visit these wonderful bloggers and their beautiful blogs to see what they are up to and to find a list of this week’s participants!
Under the Table and Dreaming for the Sunday Showcase Party , Thrifty Decor Chick for Before and After Monday , Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday , The Stories of A2Z for Tutorials and Tips Tuesday , Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday , A Stroll thru Life for Inspire Me Tuesday , My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia for Tuesday's Treasures,  Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays , The Shabby Creek Cottage for Transformation Thursdays , No Minimalist Here for the Open House Party on Thursdays , Stone Gable for Tutorials, Tips and Tidbits on Thursdays , My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday , French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday , Common Ground for Be Inspired on Fridays , The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday , Craftberry Bush for the Inspiration Gallery on Friday , Funky Junk Interiors for Saturday Nite Special, Tatertots and Jello for the Link Party Palooza
See you next time! À la prochaine!

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  1. Great explanations about getting the look! I too see triangles :) Have a great weekend~Sonya

  2. complimentissimi per tutto ma soprattutto per il micio !!!!

  3. Well done, Debbie. Now I am coming over for a piece of pie.

  4. Debbie, this is beautiful!! Your lovely white plates and pitchers really make the fall colors POP! Love your tip about the triangle.
    Mary Alice

  5. Deliciously beautiful, Debbie. We both mentioned pitcher handles! Great minds...what can I say.

  6. Your dessert table looks just beautiful, Debbie. You had me at pecan pie!;>) I don't count things either-you just kind of KNOW what looks good-and even if you like LOTS you know when TOO much is TOO much! I am not a minimalist either.-lol xo Diana

  7. Oh it looks so pretty Debbie and the pie looks so yummy. I would like a piece now please. Love your post, perfect. Hugs, Marty

  8. Hi Debbie, thanks for the tip about the triangles! I haven't thought about that but it makes so much sense! Now I know why all your vignettes are always so gorgeous!

  9. Looks yummy, Debbie! Your table is so warm and inviting! Thanks for sharing the tip on triangles! You are on talented girl!

  10. Looks yummy - and the triangle tip is great! Thanks for sharing with us!

  11. I have to agree with the other ladies about the triangle tip! Very helpful. It's a beautiful tabletop display. Pecan Pie is my mother's favorite! Now I'm thinking I should go bake one for her. :)

  12. I'm loving this series. It's fascinating to see how different bloggers approach creating vignettes, and I'm learning something new at each one. I loved getting a glimpse into how your mind works.

    And that pecan pie looks delicious. I bet you spent hours slaving over it. (Heh-heh-heh!)

  13. Love the triangle tip (and pecan pie)! You and I must have had goodies in our heads when we created our vignettes! I also am really enjoying reading how everyone thinks when creating a vignette :) I think all of our approaches are pretty similar!

  14. This is a great series to see into the minds of these great bloggers. I love to create vignettes too, wish I was on the list! Love the textures you used and the pops of color. It is all beautiful!!!! Have a great weekend, Debbie!

  15. Love your display and those triangles are such a great way to explain the whole concept. But now, I am craving pie! :)

  16. Hi Debbie- Would you link this up to my Friday Favorites at
    I really struggle with dessert tables. I just ended up putting everything on my smaller kitchen table and there are no triangles!!!!! laura

  17. Love your dessert table ~ so pretty & so many great tips on how to create it!

  18. No expert? I beg to differ my dear! It all looks fabulous and I LOVE the tips. I'm learning, I'm learning. I think I am going to like all of these design tips. Thanks for sharing the ride with me, and Miss Kitty is so cute.

  19. OK, I thought I was the only one that had a "handle issue"! I've been known to retake an entire set of photos if the angles are out of whack 2 degrees! Loving your tutorial on how you do your vignettes and love the added graphics to the photos to show the points. You and Miss Kitty did a lovely job!

  20. Debbie, you are an expert, so I have to disagree with you on that. Learned a lot from this and as always beautiful. Miss Kitty really know her stuff too, LOL!!


  21. I love your dessert vignette. And I know how your mind works because scarily, our minds think alike in many ways. LOL
    For example, I bet you wanted to eat that slice of pie when you were done photographing it b/c can't let a perfectly good slice of pie go to waste huh? :) xxoo

  22. Debbie, thanks so much for putting together such a wonderful dessert vignette and sharing your thought processes! I really learned a whole lot from this post. I never really thought of the triangle idea and I think it is fabulous!!!! Wonderful and helpful post!

  23. Absolutely wonderful!
    Thanks for all of the tips .... I truly learned quite a bit!

  24. I did not know about the importance of an anchor before today, or triangles, or that it mattered which way to angle the flatware! You've given a very informative post on vignettes, and a beautiful one as well. And the pecan pie looks delicious!

  25. What a yummy vignette...did I spot some Red Cliff pieces?
    Have a wonderful week, Debbie...

  26. It's all so beautiful Debbie!! Casual yet elegant and definitely so warm and welcoming. Love your tips! :-)

  27. Debbie,
    We will be hosting Thanksgiving this year here on the Prairie. . .
    and we do a dessert table on the lower level Family Room!
    I enjoyed seeing the triangles for height placement and drawing the eye upwards!!!
    Love the rustic elegance of this simplistic dessert buffet!!!
    Pecan pie is "Mr.Ed's" favorite pie ever!!!
    Be sure to have your co~hostess Miss Kitty save a slice for him!

  28. Debbie great tips for us all....through your eyes but I wonder if me and Kim Savvy Southern come over to have a slice of that pecan pie and all three of us want coffee...what then? :)

  29. Beautifully done and explained so well - thanks so much.

    But you honestly had me at Miss Kitty - how cute is she??????????? And your homemade pecan pie? Be still my beating heart, yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Love this vignette.

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  30. Your vignette is just so sweet. I really liked your comments on "triangles", it makes arranging things so easy. I do the same thing when arranging items although I really didn't know it. It would always take me a few days to get things just right but I never really saw the triangle until you pointed it out. I have triangles everywhere! Now that I know the triangle concept I can arrange things "right" (or at least the way I like them) a lot sooner. Thank you.

  31. You did a beautiful job Debbie! I don't think you have to be an "expert" to know how to create tablescapes or vignettes.I do think you have to be creative and you are! Thank you for your tips,now can I have a piece of pie .....please.... :-)

  32. I'd love to sit at your table with a piece of that yummy pie and admire all of your gorgeous touches and decor here! Thanks for sharing how you created your pretty vignette! Heather

  33. Absolutely beautiful, Debbie! Now, I NEED a piece of that pie!

  34. These are great tips. I've been using most of them and never even knew it!

  35. Debbie I love your tablescape. I especially love the feminine tea set used with the rustic. And a piece of that pie is also welcoming.

  36. How gorgeous! Every piece so lovingly placed! I would love to have been a guest for the serving of that yummy pie!

  37. What a great guide and great tips, thanks for sharing! And that pie looks delicious!!!

  38. It's all lovely Debbie!!!
    As soon as I get ready to click on the link to your site, I start smiling...I know I will see beautiful pictures and a sweet kitty cat or two...or maybe three if I am lucky!!
    Blessings to you and have a wonderful Thanksgiving,

  39. Lovely, Debbie! May I have a piece of that delicious looking pie?

    xo, Bonnie

  40. Just lovely! Your blog and style are a favorite of mine! You have such a gift. What a wonderful explanation to look for the triangles! ~Christy

  41. Lovely, plus so many helping tips in creating eye-catching tablescape! Thank you. I especially like your method of creating groups with varying heights as you visualize a triangle. I learned something new that I know I'll put to good use!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie