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19 May, 2013

A Few Goodwill Hunting Trophies

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Goodwill Hunting TrophiesIn my last post I took you Goodwill hunting with me and showed you all of the wonderful little treasures that I found. (If you missed that post and want to have a peek at it, click here.) I also asked if you could guess what actually came home with me and promised to tell you!

Baby KittyFirst I have to say that I have come to understand that it’s OK to leave some of the wonderful things that I find for someone else to enjoy. But there are some things that just insist on coming home with me. Baby Kitty is giving you a hint already…

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Goodwill Hunting Trophies …and if you guessed the vintage French books (at $13 for the pair) and the art nouveau vase (at only $10), you would be right! They were just calling my name!

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Goodwill Hunting Trophies And here they are looking quite at home with the Plate Addicts! And I must add that they have a heaviness and feel of importance that I love!

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Goodwill Hunting Trophies I filled the vase with some of my yellow knockout roses…my new favorites! They are blooming profusely right now and, unlike the other varieties, they have a fabulous fragrance that is filling my house! Only one problem…the roses hide those fabulous art nouveau handles!

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Goodwill Hunting TrophiesThe two volume vintage set of French books…La France: Géographie, Tourisme from Larousse is not only pretty, but has been a lot of fun! They are filled with old maps and tons of vintage black and white photos from the early 1950s.

Yellow Knockout Rose I am drawn to the farm animals…especially the cows! I think it is because our neighbors had cows when I was a little girl and my sister and I used to feed them grass and pet them.

My favorite breed (What? You don’t have a favorite breed of cattle? lol) is the beautiful all-white Charolais which originated in Charolles, France. I first saw them dotting the patchwork fields in Bourgogne when I was in school in Dijon. And now…many years later…my neighbor around the corner has them in his pasture here in Georgia!

There are also some interesting photos of people at work…such as these children helping with the grape harvest in Provence…

…and the very laborious task of gathering chestnuts while confined in all those layers of clothing! Love the hats! And yes…I will take those wooden boxes, thank you very much!

But here is the photo that blew me away...especially right now with the film festival underway on the sunny French Rivera. Yes…that is Cannes struggling under a very unusual winter snow! Just look at those palm trees along Boulevard de la Croisette with the snowy domes of the Carlton visible in the distance!

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Goodwill Hunting TrophiesAnd there you have them…my Goodwill hunting trophies from my most recent thrifting expedition! I hope you enjoyed having a little peek inside my "new" vintage books. I only wish you could smell the roses!

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed going Goodwill hunting with me! Please visit these wonderful bloggers and their beautiful blogs to see what they are up to and to find a list of this week’s participants!
Under the Table and Dreaming for the Sunday Showcase Party , Thrifty Decor Chick for Before and After Monday , Boogieboard Cottage for Masterpiece Monday , Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday , The Stories of A2Z for Tutorials and Tips Tuesday , Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday , A Stroll thru Life for Inspire Me Tuesday , Cedar Hill Ranch for The Scoop on Tuesdays , My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia for Tuesday's Treasures, The Everyday Home for Home{work} Wednesday  , Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays , DIY by Design for Swing into Spring , The Shabby Creek Cottage for Transformation Thursdays , No Minimalist Here for the Open House Party on Thursdays , Stone Gable for Tutorials, Tips and Tidbits on Thursdays , My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday , French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday , Common Ground for Be Inspired on Fridays , The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday , Craftberry Bush for the Inspiration Gallery on Friday , Funky Junk Interiors for Saturday Nite Special
See you next time! À la prochaine!
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  1. Love the vase! And those books are a great find. I have a favorite breed of cattle also :-)

  2. Beautiful photos, Deb. I love the black vase and I received one for Mother's Day this year. It quickly became a 'favorite' thing. Your blue and white always stop me dead in my tracks. Love, love, love. Hugs to all the kitties. Deb

  3. Great photos and I just adore the roses so big and a beautiful color. Love the books too!


  4. Your roses are stunning and the vase is wonderful, but I really enjoyed the pictures in your books. How fun. Thanks also for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  5. Soooooo jealous! Those books were a wonderful find! I hit our library book sale on Friday in search of French books and couldn't find a one.


  6. Debbie, I knew you wouldn't leave those French books behind, but I didn't guess the vase. Both are wonderful finds. Like you, I've decided that I need to leave some finds behind for someone else to enjoy. I need to edit out what I do have. Ha! That said, I stopped by GW this week and brought home a treasure. It's a beautifully framed McK-C tile trivet. I have several of these that I purchased in the early years. They are gorgeous, very useful, and this one was $6. I couldn't believe it. ~ Sarah

  7. It's so nice to have something pretty and new to look at. Enjoy!

  8. Hi Debbie! So enjoyed reading about your GW adventure. I'm a resaler at heart too, have found many treasures at my local GW. Im so in love with all things French country/shabby these days so your blog strikes a chord with me.

    Thanks so much for taking the time to share your decorating and designs with us. I look forward to your emails each day and have to jump to your blog to see what you are up to! Love your babies too.

  9. When I read yesterday's post, I knew I would not leave those French books and didn't think you would either. I also thought that vase was so you! I'm glad to see that I was! I love the knockout roses! I too am happy leaving great things for others but a few things must come home with me!


  10. 2 very beautiful choices. Thanks for sharing.

  11. What pretty finds you chose, Debbie! I have a Charolais story for you: the man my dad worked for for many years was a B-actor who, when he retired from Hollywood, moved to Orcas Island in Washington state and started a Charolais cattle ranch. Charlie, the former actor, traveled to France and just fell in love with the cows, and decided to start this ranch when he returned home to the U.S.. My dad was his foreman, and they, at one time, had the world champion Charolais bull! His name was Boxeur, and he was huge and a big sweetie, because he was a show bull and was used to being washed and groomed and led around and fussed over! I used to ride my horses all over the ranch when I was growing up.

  12. Deb those books are amazing and the images so interesting, I know you are perusing each and every page, the urn is perfect for your roses. It makes such a lovely vignette with the books. Good shopping Miss Debbie!
    xoxo Kathysue

  13. Deb,
    Another wonderful post. I love the books and vase. And of course Baby Kitty. Always interested in anything you can help me understand the french way of life, today and yesterday.
    @ My Cozy Corner

  14. Debbie, those French books are a sweet find and the vase. They look lovely together and I bet you are going to have fun copying those images and make wonderful creations with it!


  15. I guessed the books, but I am not surprised that you got the vase, too. It has a great shape. Way to go, Debbie!



  16. Debbie, Your finds are wonderful. I did a little goodwilling yesterday and I have to tell you I had to keep telling myself "tomorrow is another day" or I would have come home with everything. Oh, and I actually know Charolais. My grandfather used to have them. What a fun post.

  17. Beautiful finds! I've enjoyed looking through your blog. Come check out Sunshine Pen Pals and join the fun!

  18. Thank you for taking us on a thrifting and shopping trip. The idea of placing things in my basket and then returning them to the shelf happens to me also. I love your choices and the wooden trays were a favorite of mine. Baby Kitty seems so interested in your French books does she Meow in French? Loved the shopping trip to Ballard's but even some outlets are pricey. Thanks for sharing!


  19. Great finds. Love the French books and your yellow roses look so pretty in the vase.

  20. Let me say you have the best eye!!! I love those books, and I DO have a favorite cow - the belted galloways. There are some near our ranch. We call them the oreo cows. Look them up and you will see why they are called that. Have a blessed day!!!

  21. Did you print your map from KInkos or Office Depot? I would love to frame this map but don't know how or where to go for help. I love thinking about the places we loved in Paris. Thanks for the inspiration and sources. Can't wait to put this into action so I look forward to your reply.

  22. Debbie, I knew you couldn't leave the wonderful French books at GW. Love the vase too.

  23. I should have known! That vase is fab! And the books! The best find ever! The photos are really wonderful. So glad you bought those. I am trying to adopt the same philosophy about buying things. I don't have to own everything I see and love. Sometimes I own it for 30 minutes and put it back for someone else. I have only regretted it later for a minutes.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie