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04 September, 2010

Lamp-a-Palooza!...and...A Decor Question

IMG_3045 It seems almost every week my thrifting finds revolve around a theme and this week it is lamps…or lamp shades! I am not sure how that happens…maybe I am in the market for a certain item or people give away items in spells. In any case, this lamp has been in need of a new shade for a while, so I was excited to find this fabric shade with a lovely rectangular shape at Goodwill for only $4.00! Woo hoo!

IMG_3042 I think it really brightens up this corner of my living room! The previous one was about the same color as my painted chest and really didn’t stand out at all. I have been trying to add some white where I can, and I think this one fills the bill! In fact, I seem to be switching all of my shades to white....classic, more traditional.

IMG_3028 I have also been on the hunt for a buffet lamp, but they were all either too tall and thin or too short. When I found this one at my favorite flea/antique market for $9.00, I knew it would be just right! Only two problems…it’s the wrong color and I don’t like the shade! Sooo…

IMG_3037 …I sprayed it oil rubbed bronze and added a brand new white, of course...that I found at the thrift store for $3.00 and voilà! I had to have a neutral lamp since this buffet is where I usually display my favorite pieces of old silver plate, like my roll-top butter dish and my vintage castor set, so a gold lamp would just not do! The wonderful engraved tray in the background was a gift from my French Club many years ago.

IMG_2936_1 But perhaps my favorite find this week is this one…the little brother of my new love…my frenchy lamp! I put them side by side on the floor so you can get a good look at them! The one on the left came from my favorite flea/antique market and the one on the right came from my favorite junk store! ( Maybe I should spell that junque! lol) It was peering down at me from the upper shelves, hidden among all the chaos! I couldn’t believe it! Can you see that it is the same parts, just put together differently? And…it was only $18.00! Woo hoo!

IMG_3054 I actually considered painting it, but with help from a new shade and finial at half price, I think I am going to embrace the gold. I think gold can be very Parisian, don’t you? Here, I have swapped shades. What do you think? The oval or the Asian style on little mister goldie? He will also go in my master bedroom on a taller chest on the opposite side of the room.

IMG_3026 Baby Kitty says that if I don’t watch out, I will have to rename my blog Confessions of a Lamp Addict! lol

page1 While I am on the subject of my master bedroom redo, I’d like to show you some subtle changes in my frenchy chair. Can you spot them? First, I found a wonderful new pillow in a Napoleonic bee pattern with a down insert…for only $5.00 at Goodwill! Can you believe somebody gave that  away? And…I added piping to the edge of the chair cushion. I think it looks so much more finished. 

page And finally, my question! I was so excited when the latest issue of Meredith Publications Country French appeared on the newsstands this week! This makes issue number six by my count. It is a wonderful soft cover book filled to the brim with beautiful pictures and a real steal at $10.00! I use them as my go-to books when I have a decorating dilemma. However, in this issue I noticed something different in some of the photos…where’s the stuff? Is Country French style going minimalist?

IMG_3037 Now I have long been a fan of my main man, Charles Faudree, who decorates by the credo Too much is never enough! Not that I always go overboard, but I do love to layer! I am afraid that I will not go down the minimalist road if that’s the case! Have you noticed a trend in that direction? Tell me what you think!

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed a little peek at my finds!  Please visit these wonderful bloggers and their beautiful blogs to see what they are up to and to find a list of this week’s participants!
Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday
Rhoda at Southern Hospitality for Today’s Thrifty Treasures
Marty at A Stroll Thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday
Linda at Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Kathleen at Faded Charm for White Wednesday
Gina at The Shabby Chic Cottage for Transformation Thursday
Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday
Artie at Color Outside the Lines for Vignette Fridays
Laurie at Bargain Hunting and Chatting with Laurie for A Few of My Favorite Things Saturday
See you next time! A la prochaine!


  1. Loving all your lamps and shades! Baby Kitty may be Me I could never go minimalist no matter what!

  2. I love the switched version of the shades much better. No, I could never go the minimalist route either. I'm such a "stuff" gal! Love those magazines, though!

  3. It isn't possible at all to have too many Lamps! You can change them up like shoes. = )


  4. Debbie-You found some great things and I love your redo on the lamp and the pillow is fabulous!!!I can't imagine French decor going minimal. I fall somewhere in between Faudree and minimal-I like layers until I start dusting it :) Your French club gave you a beautiful gift--good kids! Have a good weekend!

  5. Debbie all of your new additions are gorgeous! Love them all!

    I picked up that publication, recently too.

  6. Debbie, The lamps are wonderful and I am in love with the bee pillow. I must admit I had a hard time looking at the lamps with that fabulous wall pocket in the it! I noticed the same thing in the new magazine. Does this mean I'll have to change the name of my blog to be in style? Nah, I like my stuff.
    Hugs, Sherry

  7. A friend and I were out shopping once and came across a store called Country Clutter. She very excitedly said to me, this sounds like your store! I really admire the zen/minimalist type look but in the end I like everything smooshy and comfortable and I like to be surrounded by my stuff! So more is more!

    Sadie and Kitty send a shout out to Baby Kitty!

    Have a great weekend, Bonnie :)

  8. Every time I stop by you are showing some incredible thrift store finds! I must get myself to the thrift store! haha. Lovely lamps...what deals!

  9. Hi Debbie! Oh, my goodness, you just keep finding the most wonderful things! Both of your new lamps are so lovely and I love how you've painted your olden one too! I'm in love with your vignettes! You just do everything perfectly!! Can I just come and live with you? :)
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  10. Deb you are now in my club, Lamps did I hear LAMPS, wait until I tell Doug how many lamps you bought,hehe. Love each and every one of them. You chose the perfect shades also. As far as minimal, You are talking to the wrong gal. You know me, my mantra is Big is better less is more, when in doubt!!! Love all of your finds and I don't find your look to much stuff at all.It is placed beautifully and artisitically, Love you,Kathysue

  11. Great lamps and super buys, but honestly I'm distracted by that lovely pillow on the chair in the first frame and the awesome blue and white soup tureen!

    I'd love to have you join us at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  12. Debbie, you find the BEST bargains!
    I guess we just do not have a great Goodwill - I've never found anything decent.

    The bee pillow - oh, I love it!
    OH! I posted about my beekeeping adventure!

    Deborah in NC

  13. Debbie, each week I'm amazed at the perfect items you find thrifting. What are the chances of finding another lamp with the same parts? They will look terrific in the room together and the shades look good either way. Love your new Napoleonic bee patterned pillow and the cording really finishes the chair seat. I'm so impressed that you do all of this yourself. And you get it done quickly!
    Such fun to see photos of your beautiful home. Love the framed Quimper poster and the vintage silver on the chest. Like you, I could never be a minimalist.
    Have a great weekend. ~ Sarah

  14. you hit the jackpot this week darlin! I'm seriously in love with all of your finds and your monogrammed silver tray is too die for!!! I love seeing your home! I just love your style!

    Take care!

  15. As a fellow 'lampaholic' I LOVE the lamps and the delicious shades - they are perfect:o)
    The bee covered pillow is so sweet - just the finishing touch (along with your piping) to your chair project.
    As for 'minimalist' - I don't think so, if I spent the next six months selecting my favourite items I'd still have them all out! LOL.

  16. Love your new lamps! You hit the jackpot this week.

    I like your look with lots of layers of accessories better than a minimalist look.

    I noticed your Quimper wall pocket and instantly fell in love! It is so pretty!

  17. Debbie, Woohoo! Just love the way you find such great stuff and put everything together to look like that's where each thing has always been! (was that a run-on sentence?) Anyway, the lamp is fantastic, and the cording on the chair was just the perfect finish touch. Isn't it great how much lamps can add to a room, and how a subtle change can make a big difference! Not sure about the minimalist thing...still processings the concept : ) Linda

  18. I love the lamps you have found this week...the oval shade looks great on the shorter lamp. The bee pillow is adorable...I never think to look for pillows, when at the thrift store I head right to the dishes! Guess I should take more time and really look around. ;) Cute photo of Baby Kitty! Have a great week, Debbie.

  19. Debbie, I'm loving our silver tray, all the silver. Wow.

  20. Debbie-Hope you try the eggplant--let me know if you do! We love the Red Bar :)

  21. Oh Debbie, your lamps are all just wonderful. I love them, and the shades are fabulous too. I sometimes think shades are the hardest part. You always do the best vignettes and you have been finding some of the neatest things. I am so tickled that you are doing piping now on your things. See, it really isn't hard. No as you know, I am not at all for the minimal look. I think I have too many things and I really want to see them, so layering is definitely my thing. Hope you have a super holiday. Hugs, Marty

  22. Deb, I want to bring you with me when I go thrifting. I swear, I probably walk past half the stuff, not recognizing the potential!! You've got the EYE, Honey!

    Off to find a copy of that Meredith Publication, Country French...probably at Home Depot...they have the best selection, believe it or not.

    Great job on all your newest acquisitions & I love the cording on your chair. :-)

  23. Girl, you have got some completely fab lamp makeovers going on! Your buffet lamp transformation gave me a really good idea for what I plan to do in my dining room (eventually). ;)

    I do see a lot of blogs talking about less is more, but I think it's nice to have a balance between displaying what you love and just plain too much stuff---I am on the too much stuff end right now. ;)

  24. I love what Bonnie said - "More is more!" Around here I'm trying to keep the clutter in the main part of the house down except in my office/dressing room, where I am feeling no guilt about piling on the layers :) As always, I say "pay no mind to the trendy stuff - do what you love and you will love your surroundings." I wonder if the minimalist French thing is supposed to be some kind of merging of contemporary and fussy? As in - fussy furniture details like scrolly French chair legs, but no pretties on the tabletops?

  25. I'm with you. . .no minimalist here! My "stuff" has heart strings tied to it. Many are "heirloom pieces" pasted down through the ages and most of those family members are no longer living. Others are gifts given by chersihed and dear friendships. . . however, I love the magazine! But as for me. . . I'll add a few embellishments!

  26. Minimalist, shminimalist!

    How boring would that be, lol!


  27. You tricked me! I was looking for the music turn off before dh started yelling! :)
    You find such wonderful things! Do you go in with an armful to donate, and come out with just as much!
    The lamps and shades are great!

  28. You have great taste and I love all your beautiful finds. I am no minimalist so I won't be jumping on that bandwagon if that's the case. I have all the issues too and look at them all the time!

  29. you have some very pretty lamps. I have found some good lamps at Goodwill, but usually the shades there are dated or dirty. If I need a new shade for an old lamp I have found some good cheap ones at Ross

  30. Love your lamps especially the Frenchy one... the bee pattern is so cute!

  31. I couldn't answer your question cause I haven't been looking at new mags. The last one I looked at was Charles Faudree's. I hope the trend is not changing because I wouldn't know what to do with all my stuff, lol. I love your lamps, Debbie. My favorite is the last one, the baby brother. What a pretty lamp! Not that the others aren't pretty too cause they are. Your bedroom looks very nice...Christine

  32. Such great finds, I love the lamps you've found. Especially the baby brother to your frenchie find. I like the second shade the best. That pillow is beautiful (found some towels with that pattern at Marshall's this weekend, fell in love, but the color was all wrong) Your bedroom is just gorgeous! Have a wonderful Labor Day. Hugs, Kat

  33. You scored big time on those lamps and the shades. Good for you! Everything looks great and I like the layered more is more look too.

  34. The lamps are great and such bargains, bvut I really, really want that Quimper poster! Really, really!

  35. Check out my friend Cindy's blog, Her mom, MJ Vandeventer is the author on all of the Charles Faudree books. They've known each other since they were children in Muskogee, Oklahoma. I have noticed a minimal design trend on so many levels...not for this girl...I'm with you...I'm not such a big fan of editing. Your buffet is lovely, and you made a great get on all of your 'new'' lamps and shades. Thank you for sharing your charming designs. Cherry Kay

  36. I like your new lamp and everyone has their own style which is what makes blogging so interesting.

    However, I am most definitely, definitely in a less-is-more mood these days and into a second round of unloading. Simple is not always easy, however.

    We'll have a new giveaway starting on Friday. Jane F.

  37. debbie, your lamps are amazing. you've got a good eye for design and know a good bargain.

    i think decorating in general is streamlining...not so many "chach-kees," as we used to say. it's a cleaner look a lot of people are after....

  38. Debbie - Your lamps are gorgeous! And the white shades really make the lamps "pop". I especially love the transformation that was made with you buffet lamp. It looks fabulous - like it was meant for that tabletop! ~Susie

  39. OH I just love your lamps..or lamp collection I should say. They are so tasteful and I love the lighter brighter shades you chose! I am a lamp addict too! Good lighting is so important though..really does serve a purpose as well as looking pretty!

    Great post!

    Miss Bloomers

  40. Debbie!! You did fantastic with those shades..I didn't have much luck at all this week..but it was so hot I couldn't even think when trying to look things over at the garage sales. I should have given up and hit the Goodwill Store like you did! It is supposed to cool down this week and today was fantastic.
    Yep...GREAT finds! :) YOU are a fantastic decorator. I always love everything you do when I come see!!!

  41. love love love the be pillow AND the goodwill ... think I'll stop there today ...

    AS ALWAYS it's just lovely here!

    My lamps are all old and crusty, your s are so nice and clean

  42. Debbie,
    Love all your thrifty lampshades...I never have luck finding any at thrift stores...sometimes I do find some at garage sales...also that "BEE" pillow is very pretty...what a great find for only $5!!! I have noticed the minimalist look, but I don't like it!!!! I LOVE my stuff!!!


  43. You did a great job on the painted lamp~I like it much better and all of your shades are pretty!! Great bargains!! Your vignettes are perfect, too. I say the more the better!


  44. Debbie! I'm so glad my dear friend Cherry Kay sent you to me and me to you! Adore your blog. My kitties, Moses and Queen Gabi are my on my production staff too. Gotta love the little furry ones, as well as our Lab, Sadie. I am a lamp lover and adore what you've found. Time to hit the junque stores again! Thanks for coming by my humble blog. We love dear, darling Charles. He is the inspiration for lots of charming vignettes in both our homes, and mom and I are both hunters of charming bargains as you are! Isn't paint a wonderful thing? Looking forward to lots of great inspiration from your blog and will be a new follower. Au revoir!

  45. What a difference a shade can make-Happy WW

  46. Love those lamps! That pillow is so perfect! I haven't found anything at Goodwill in weeks. Oh there was a white corner china cabinet that I missed getting by a few minutes!! Don't ya hate that!


  47. Let's hope country french is not going minimalist! We'd have to have therapy. I don't know the answer to your lamp question! Both shades look good. See how they look in their spots! THe nice thing about white shades is that they allow more light to shine through. I love them. Have a great day. LInda

  48. Hey Sweet Friend! Love this post! I love lamps too., and Miss Kitty just might be getting confused about this new addiction, I agree! Love the song on this post...I'm swaying to and fro with it and am recalling my time in Francois myself while doing it! Brought a neat idea to do from France, just haven't done it to date. Maybe this post is inspiring me to get my derier (spelling?) off the seat and do it. When I post it, I'll grab you to look at it. It's a twist on how to update a lampshade to give it an European look., let's pray I get it done in 2010~ haha! Hugs! ~CC

  49. Oh Debbie! Thanks so much for linking up to Vignette Fridays this week! I love your vignette. So beautiful and original - and most importantly: INSPIRATIONAL! You always get the best deals - and you definitely have the knack for putting it all together! Just gorgeous! All the best, Artie

  50. You ALWAYS find the BEST stuff!!! Your home is just stunning!

    Minimalist??? I cannot do it!! If I even try to "take away" one thing, I am left thinking...that just looks NEKKID!!

    It may be the trend....but not mine! lol I layer too! Make it much more interesting...a pain to dust but....worth it!

    Have a great weekend!

    Lou Cinda :)

  51. Debbie -- you and Baby Kitty are just the best of thrifters! Love your oooooh la la lamps! Thanks for your sweet visit to my toile table.

  52. OMGosh Debbie, I so badly want to go to your GW and thrift stores. What great lamps, and shades are soooo expensive, and these bargain shades look so great. I really like the oval shade on the baby brother lamp. Your chair looks fabulous, and I so agree with you - can you believe someone didn't want to keep that pretty pillow. Not that it is going to change me and my cluttered house, but I have noticed a trend toward less stuff - even C.F.'s latest designs do not appear as layered. Unfortunately,there is no turning back for me now. I can't part with all of my stuff! Thank you for linkng up. laurie


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie