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22 August, 2010

Another Peek into My Parisian Bedroom Redo!

vignette It’s been a busy week for me, but I have made some progress in my Parisian style master bedroom redo. For those of you who are just joining me, I am taking a little departure from my usual French country style and going a little more feminine in my bedroom. I think I am really liking it!

IMG_2870 Last week, I showed you my progress in one corner of the room. You can see I am building around my pink and green toile drapery panels with that fabulous frenchy lamp as a jumping off point! I am trying to introduce a little more white and pastels in the room to brighten it up.

IMG_2876 This week, a few frenchy finds will help me continue in the other corner of the room…among them this little frenchy boy candlestick. Doesn’t he just look so very Parisian? He was only $3.00 at Goodwill! I had actually passed on his twin a couple of weeks ago, but decided to take him home with me this time.

IMG_2890 Of course, Baby Kitty had to check him out. He is the official Goodwill hunting trophy inspector in this house! It appears that he passed!

IMG_2891I also found this wonderful old vintage candlestick that someone had already painted white…also only $3.00. I fell in love immediately!

IMG_2894 His face reminds me of the beast in Jean Cocteau’s La Belle et la Bête…an old black and white French version of the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast. And just look at the legs on the candlestick…a lion with talons…or are those hooves? Love it!

IMG_2897 First, the little boy got a good coat of primer and then several coats of white paint! Now he is ready to be distressed. Do you sometimes wonder why you are working so hard to make the paint perfect only to sand it off?

IMG_2913 And here he is with his lion friend, who also got a little distressed! I think they look so good together…so very frenchy!

IMG_2895 Now don’t be shocked when you see this! lol It’s a flower pot painted white and then covered with spackling paste. It’s the kind that starts out pink and turns white when it dries! Why am I doing this?

IMG_2901 To add a little texture to the pot! Next, I dry brushed a little dove gray craft paint on it and then actually had to give it another light coat of spray paint since the gray was still too dark. I added it to an old silver plate chaffing dish that I found at Goodwill a while back and voilà…instant frenchy planter! And it was free! I was searching for a planter with legs and couldn’t find one, so I thought I’d try this.

IMG_2917 I filled it with pink hydrangeas and here it is!  I wanted a pop of white and this will do for now. I also stacked up a few old books I found at the thrift store and added my green depression glass butter dish. What do you think?

IMG_2923 And here is the vignette in its final form. The mirror in the background belonged to my grandmother. It has a little veneer missing, but I think that adds to its character! Now you are wondering…just where is my vignette?

IMG_2905 It’s on top of this wonderful old plantation desk that belonged to my great-grandfather…along with my grandmother’s hat! I believe the desk dates from the early to mid 1800s and it has been in my family ever since.  Now, I do realize that it is not very frenchy, but I have to make an exception here! And of course, it absolutely cannot be painted! I would be the black sheep of the family! I am trying it out with the frenchy chair that I refinished last week to see if it helps to frenchify the desk. What do you think?

darceyChair_large Now here’s the chair that I really want..Rachel Ashwell’s Shabby Chic Darcy chair! Sigh! But for $450, I can only dream! Maybe I can find the perfect chair to redo. And then I may call it my (Mr.) Darcy! lol

IMG_2915 And finally, here is another look at my vignette! I hope you don’t mind that we are coming along so slowly in my little Parisian decorating venture. Next time, I should have even more to show you!

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed a little peek at my finds!  Please visit these wonderful bloggers and their beautiful blogs to see what they are up to and to find a list of this week’s participants!
Donna at Funky Junk Interiors for Saturday Nite Special
Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday
Rhoda at Southern Hospitality for Today’s Thrifty Treasures
Marty at A Stroll Thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday
Linda at Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Kathleen at Faded Charm for White Wednesday
Gina at The Shabby Chic Cottage for Transformation Thursday
Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday
Artie at Color Outside the Lines for Vignette Fridays
Laurie at Bargain Hunting and Chatting with Laurie for A Few of My Favorite Things Saturday
See you next time! A la prochaine!


  1. Your bedroom is really coming along and it looks beautiful. I like the frency touches that you added this week. I'll have to say that my favorite thing in your room is the plantation desk. What a treasure you have in that!

  2. Your bedroom looks wonderful. Love all the new touches that you've added. Your heirlooms are so beautiful too - perfect!

  3. Lovin' it! The candle holders look great and your desk is just fantastic! So fun to have a piece of family history like that!

  4. I think I'll take a little drive down to our nearest Goodwill tomorrow, although I've never had the wonderful goodwill hunting you've had.

    Your room is absolutely gorgeous! I am loving all peeks at the progress!

  5. Your bedroom is coming along beautifully, very Frenchy!

    Yay Baby Kitty :)


  6. I'm so glad you talked about the mirror, it caught my eye right off. And the pot idea, terrific. I have started adding whites, easy to do. Now the chair, I like yours better than the tres expensive one! Enjoy your beautiful room.

  7. I must say the desk is gorgeous just as it is and with the Frenchy vignette on top fits right in. Love how your room is coming along. My fav is the lion candlestick!

  8. I just love the use of the silver server piece! The plastered pot is simply perfect.

  9. Hi Debbie! OH, I'm loving seeing what you're doing here! Your newly repainted pieces are so gorgeous! You're just so good at decorating. I think I've told you before but I adore your pink and green toile draperies! This room is so beautiful! You're so good, girlfriend.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. Debbie, I love it. Oh, how I love that desk and wouldn't even think of painting it. That is perfect as it is. Love the distressing you did on the candlesticks. Looks very real!! Loving this bedroom. Have a super week!

  11. I think it's a gorgeous vignette, the plantation desk is beautiful with a rich history, I'm sure! Stunning room with such beautiful pieces. You do such a great job on your treasures!

  12. Debbie, your room is evolving into Parisian perfection. The vignette with the GW finds with which you've added your magic touch, add wonderful texture and height to this charming group. As for the plantation desk, I think it definitely fits in. The French often mix in old family pieces. It's wonderful, and how special that it is passed down to your safe keeping along with the mirror. And the chair ~ I like yours far better than Rachel Ashwell Darcy chair.
    Beautiful room, but then all the rooms you've shown us are perfection. Happy Sunday! ~ Sarah

  13. Deb and you said Voila in your wonderful French accent and just look at what your room looks like. You are a marvel!! I love every single element you have added. I did not think I would like the distresssing on the candlestick but I realllllly do. You did just the right amount in the right places. Genius on the clay pot and using the stand as a holder, so clever. I miss you terribly!! Wish we could go out and play!! Hugs Kathysue

  14. Wow Debbie, this looks fabulous. I absolutely love the two candlesticks and to put the flowerpot in the silver is just so perfect. You do have such a wonderful knack of putting things together and our vignettes are always gorgeous. I love your style. The desk is absolutely stunning. What a wonderful piece. I am so glad it isn't painted, I think that would ruin it. Some pieces just really need to stay as they are and this is one. Beautiful piece and such a pretty vignette. Hope you are having a wonderful day. Hugs, Marty

  15. Your creation is fabulous! I'm going to have to get more bold with spray paint. You and Laura (White Spray Paint - blog) are so daring. I love it!
    Have a great week.
    Ladybug Creek

  16. Looking great, Debbie...the two standouts for me are the desk and the toile panels, both gorgeous. I do like the candleholders, too...and how could I forget the handsome Baby Kitty, he is part of the guest room, right!

  17. Debbie, now you know that there are probably a lot of French people who would love to come here and get an American antique like your beautiful desk! It is the perfect setting for all your frenchification! The "nekked" boy looks great shabbified (is it OK to say that?) and I don't remember the other candlestick, but love it. The pot worked out perfectly in the silver holder....good thinking, girl! Can't wait to see the whole'll be a magazine picture for sure! Linda

  18. Your bedroom is gorgeous. I'm loving your toile drapes! Your frenchy chair turned out great too.
    Love it all!

  19. I think you can mix painted, not painted, old, new and various least I hope so, because that is certainly what I've done at my house. I really love everything you've done. It is so pretty and interesting...every piece tells a story.

  20. You know when that French song comes on little drops of something appear on computer screen. They must he enunciating juicily! :)
    I love your creativity! Who would have thought of spackle on a pot! It looks fabulous. And the desk and chair, perfect! Don't you dare paint it!
    You home looks just lovely!

  21. This is so fun to see Debbie! And I love that desk that is your family heirloom! It's just gorgeous frenchy or not!
    And I love your GW finds and how you have distressed them just right.
    I would never find those at our GW's, maybe living in the South helps. I think there's more pretty stuff there!
    Have a Great Week too!

  22. Your bedroom is coming along nicely. Keep up the great work. I love your grandmother's hat! La

  23. Your bedroom looks gorgeous! I love all the personalized touches! Very romantic!

  24. Oh I LOVE the candle holders. I am redoing my master bedroom also. I am going with cottage blues with checks and florals! Can't wait to see more!

  25. I think you are coming along beautifully with that wonderful room. That desk is such a beautiful piece of furniture...what a great heirloom!!! I love everything you've done!!!

  26. Debbie, I am enamored with your thrifty finds and your spackled pot in the silver chafer. I may have to "borrow" this idea! The room is progressing really well. It takes time- I'm still working on my great room, ya know! One of these days it will be complete. hugs, Sue

  27. Everything looks great! Very pretty and feminine.

  28. So gorgeous! I am such a sucker for toile! Thank you for taking us on this lovely tour of your transforming room!

  29. I love your bedroom. It looks very romantic. And I am in love with your 2 candle holders....Christine

  30. I am Mad about the little hat on the desk I adore hats and its a beauty! Your spackeled pot looks amazing thanks for the tip.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  31. Stopping by from the Met Monday party!! I found that frenchy chair at the Salvation Army store!! I haven't reupholstered it yet but I only paid $15 for it, I think. Funny how after time you forget what things cost!! I think I will paint mine black.

    Love your room!!

  32. Bonne fait!! Well done. It's beautiful, charming and so says "french".

  33. It's coming along beautifully and I enjoy seeing every new detail. Also the plates, of course.

    News! On Friday we're starting a link-up-your-giveaway party (and we'll announce an amazing giveaway). Please join us at

    Jane F.

  34. Coming along very nicely...I love the desk, the style seems very complementary. Love the finds from GW, someday stuff like that will end up at our GW!

  35. Hi Debbie, we MUST go thrift shopping sometime because you discover the most fabulous finds.

    Love your Frenchified projects and your bedroom is gorgeous!


  36. Debbie, I just found your blog. Love it! Your room is coming together very nicely -- and the chafing dish pot holder is giving me an idea about something I picked up and haven't done anything with yet ... :-) I hope you'll stop my My Place to Yours sometime.

  37. Debbie,
    Your room is coming along so those thrifty candle holders...great finds! Thanks for coming to my NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAYS party...I always love seeing you here:)


  38. What great transformations to some wonderfully Frenchy finds, Debbie!! Tres Belle!

    You are so lucky to have inherited such a wonderful piece of furniture. It looks stunning with all your newly found treasures. Well done, Lady!

  39. Your French vignette looks great!! And I think your great-grandfather's desk is the perfect spot for it -- it's a nice combination of light & fresh with dark & stately. And the chair works well too, even if it isn't the chair you really want.

    Good work on the Goodwill finds and the planter :-)


  40. Your bedroom looks great, love the touches of french!!!

  41. Tres jolie! I have a french inspired bedroom too that I call my Paris Hotel Suite!! So happy I stopped by, yours is very beautiful!!

  42. It's gorgeous!!! You did a fabulous job with everything-wow!!! Of course, it is always fun to see Baby Kitty-he looks like he's doing a fine job inspecting:).



  43. The re-do looks great-like a wonderful bed and breakfast. I love that Baby Kitty has to check everything out!

  44. your bedroom is just have a wonderful sense of display. love what you create with white paint and spackle!

  45. Debbie, I love watching your bedroom transformation. The desk is beautiful and I am in love with the candlesticks.
    Hugs, Sherry

  46. All so beautiful! You sure find some great deals at Goodwill!


  47. I love everything.Beautiful...and great idea about the flower pot

  48. This is just looking beautiful Deb. I love that vintage candlestick, actually I love both of them. But my favorite thing in this room is the plantation desk. It is drop dead gorgeous, and the fact that it is a family heirloom just makes it even more special. I bet you just smile whenever you walk into this room :) Hugs, Kat

  49. Hi Debbie ~ your bedroom is gorgeous and I love the accent pieces you distressed...very charming!

    I'm a new follower from Transformation Thursday.

    Have a lovely day,
    Marie @ Sally Lee by the Sea

  50. Hi Debbie!

    These are such wonderful frenchy pieces you found and transformed! I have some brass pieces I have considered painting but always have that little nagging voice that says... But what if brass comes back in fashion!! Seeing what you've done gives me courage;)
    The candlesticks are so adorable painted!

    Hugs, Sherri:)

  51. Hi "Miss GoodWill Hunting"...your bedroom is coming beautiful...I love what you did with your latest finds...and that desk and the hat! My gosh I love that hat!!

  52. WoW! Debbie, I'm so impressed with your vignette, and your redo! It's gorgeous! Thanks so much for linking up this Friday, I'm SO glad you did, and I value your participation! Hope you'll link up next week too!

  53. Dear Debbie, your bedroom is looking so pretty and turning it a little bit feminine is a great idea. Such great finds you are adding to your home and the old desk from your greats is a unique wonderful piece, and a lovely hat too!!!
    muchos cariños,
    maria cecilia

  54. Gorgeous bedroom..and the flower pot is soooo clever~love the way you displayed it! The whole display is just beautiful!
    Great job!

  55. You gotta love spray paint. Makes Goodwill finds look like a million dollars. Love your little french guy!

  56. Hi Debbie,

    Love how your bedroom turned out. You found some great things to give a fabulous makeover. Really like how everything is displayed. Wow, and you managed to have a post for each day! Love it.


  57. Lovely room and some really nice and clever ideas. Love the desk and the contrast of it's old wood with the other colors. Nice!!

  58. This is my first visit to your blog, and I must say I'm impressed! What a beautiful vignette you've created! I love the candlesticks and the distressing you did on the boy. I'm going to have to head out to Goodwill and look for something similar :) Those old chafing dishes are so versatile! I love the way your planter turned out. Click here if you'd like to see what I did with mine.

    I'm looking forward to your next bedroom photos.

    Regards, Sheilla

  59. Debbie, this room is definitely going to be worth the wait. Everything you've shown is wonderful! I love your great grand-father's desk, and to me, French decor is all about the mixture of things we love. The wood on that desk is beautiful! You are just so clever with your finds. I can't believe how pretty that flower pot looks in the chafing dish! Just too smart!!! You are one of those people who could paint and distress something and make me believe it is an antique. Your candlesticks turned out great! I am SO looking forward to seeing this whole room. Thank you for sharing this beautiful vignette on Favorite Things Sat. laurie


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie