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03 December, 2009

A Tale of Two Treasures...or...A Cloche Party!

IMG_9143 I am excited because it’s time for Marty’s Christmas Cloche Party at A Stroll thru Life and once again I am showing you some of my favorite things under glass! I still seem to be cloche impaired and cannot produce the lovely vignettes that the rest of you do. But, since it’s nearly Christmas, I would first like to show you my favorite ornament. It was a gift from my mother many years ago. She had a thing about San Francisco Music Box Company and loved to give their ornaments as gifts. So it’s not only cute, it plays several Christmas songs as well! Do you see what it is?

IMG_9171It’s a tiny Christmas tree being decorated by tiny mice! I love mice so much that my nickname in high school was Mouse! Oops! Did I just say that out loud? lol

page Are these not just the cutest little guys? The tree has tiny gingerbread men and candy canes…which fits in to what seems to have become my stripe/toile theme this year! I love this little ornament! Ask any of my friends and they will tell you…I’m a sucker for anything that has little animals wearing clothes…especially mice!

IMG_9177Hmmm…Baby Kitty says it’s his favorite, too…mice under glass! lol

IMG_9220 However, Mrs. Magpie’s kitties seem more interested in their new Christmas scarves than they do the mice! They were adopted by me several months ago when Sheila at The Quintessential Magpie so generously sent them to live at my house. They are the guardians of my Charles Faudree books!

IMG_9165 Have you noticed the beautiful antique book beneath the cloche? That is my other treasure. I will show it to you to…er…distract you from my cloche impairment!

book1I bought this book for my mom in 1971 when I went to France for the first time as a college student. She asked for two things…a little bottle of perfume and a book from the bookstalls on the Left Bank in Paris. I was so pleased when I found this! It is L’Office de la Semaine Sainte…the services for Holy Week. Isn’t it wonderfully old and worn?

page It is written in Latin and translated into old French. It is even filled with hand-written notes! It had a faded violet pressed between the pages when I bought it. Sadly, it has since disappeared.

roi But the best thing is the date of publication! Can you read it? It says With the Approval and Privilege of the King and is dated 1741…almost 270 years ago! America wasn’t even a country yet! The king who would have given his approval for its publication was Louis XV. And…I only paid about $12! Woo hoo!

IMG_9143Well, there you have it…two of my favorite treasures under glass! Whew! I think I managed to fake my way through another cloche party! I would also like to thank Linda at My Shabby Rose Cottage. You see, I won the cloche in her giveaway this Summer, so without her, my contribution would not have been possible! You should visit her wonderful blog, too! She's having another fantastic giveaway of a set of cute rooster plates to boot!
And my thanks to you for stopping by! I am getting an early start on my post because I am doing the Christmas Tour of Homes in Madison, Georgia today....I'm excited! More about that later!

Be sure to head on over to Marty’s to see how she is decorating her lovely home for Christmas and to see some wonderful cloches from some very talented ladies who can actually decorate a cloche! lol See you next time! A la prochaine!


  1. Good Morning Debbie,.
    Before I hop in the shower I just needed to read your lovely post! Your not cloche impaired, your cloche is so charming and so special with the fabulous book and music box! I am so lovin this, you should take that book to Antique Road Show,what a treasure! Your kitties from Sheila look very festive for the Holidays! Wish I was on that home tour with you, I just love Christmas Home tours!!! Hugs, Cindy

  2. Debbie, everything looks so pretty! I love the ribbons you tied on the cloche and the cats. Love the cats guarding the books and the mice. :) BUT I am head over heels for that book!! It is absolutely beautiful. I'd be afraid for anyone to touch it!

  3. Hi Debbie, Baby Kitty looks a little too interested in the mice under glass BUT I love the book. If I could only touch it I know I would be transported back in time!

    Have a lovely day, Bonnie

  4. Beautiful Debbie! I would say that your cloche impairment has been cured. "Mice under glass" - you crack me up. Sheila's kitties look so pretty in their Christmas scarves. And that book - oh my goodness, what a treasure. Can you imagine any book produced today lasting that long? Have fun at the home tour, can't wait to see pictures. Hugs, Kat

  5. Debbie, I too am Cloche impaired and have cloche envy. But I love your little mice and ohhh that book! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Absolutely, perfectly adorable as always Debbie... love the candycane and ribbon, and your sweet little mice... the French book adds the perfection.

    blessings. Dixie

  7. How beautiful your cloche is Debbie! The ribbons add such a nice touch to everything. It's a lovely treasure to cherish from your Mom.

    Mouse is an adorable nickaname for you!

    Many Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  8. Debbie, love your cute little tree with the mice under glass...but oh, that book is such a treasure, 1741, wow! and I thought having one from the late 1800's was old.

  9. Debbie, oops... I mean Mouse! LOL! I waited and waited, and I'm not disappointed as I check in with you this morning! I'm so glad you tipped me off because I wouldn't have wanted to miss this for anything. Look at all of that cuteness! :-)

    Love the precious little mice under glass and my friend Baby Kitty checking it all out! LOL! Oh, I love him! And of course, the Aristocats look stunning in their Christmas attire. I can tell they love their new home. And I'm laughing at how aloof they are over the cute mice. Just like a cat... but you had best watch them over your shoulder when you turn your back. ;-)

    And of course the crowning glory is that antique book! Debbie it is FABULOUS, and I cried when I read that all your mother wanted was a bottle of perfume and a book from the Left Bank. That sounds so much like my mother. And what a treasure you found for her!

    I want you to know that meeting and knowing you has made me want to learn French. I can imagine how blessed your students all were to have you in their lives. Learning French was undoubtedly fun with you as the professor!

    This post is adorable, and it wins as my favorite Christmas post this year. And you, my friend, are not cloche deprived. Nay. Nay. You have added joy and wonder abounding to your cloche. I'm sure it will be the hit of the cloche parade!

    Thanks for sharing. It was an absolute delight as usual! I am so glad you won that cloche from Linda!


    Sheila :-)

  10. I thought I had a great bible in my 1846 one that came West with my ancestors, but yours is fabulous. How special its story is just since it has been in your family. Love the cloche! I'm kind of cloche challenged, too; but plan to use my little bible in mine for the party tomorrow. Take care, Sally

  11. Your Mice Under Glass is adorable!! You have done very well (considering I haven't a clue WHAT I am going to make!) How neat that this is a music box to boot.

    The book is fabulous!! You need a bigger cloche to keep IT under glass!! I love all your pretty ribbons and Mrs. Magpie's kitties look ready to go out to play in the snow!!

    Have fun on your home tour, Debbie!!


  12. What a wonderful post Debbie. I loved to see all your treasures I only don't understand how you can get your cats and the mice living together. :)))

  13. looks like baby kitty likes mice also....your mice are your music...

  14. Debbie, you did a fabulous job! I'm cloche impaired myself. I think I may have one small piece to share, but haven't even gotten around to pulling it out. I actually saw it on another site yesterday and thought, "Humm I have one of those!" So I may get to play after all. The music box is so special. I'm with you. I don't like to think about mice and rats unless they are wearing clothes and live in little houses of their own on the pages of story books or on ornaments such as yours. And the has to be the most wonderful treasure! So amazing that something can last for all those years and be in such pristine condition.
    Have a great trip. Look forward to seeing all the photos.....Sarah

  15. Debbie,
    That book is amazing! It just boggles the mind to think it was published before America was even a country.

    Your cloche is lovely. I have to run home after work and put one more finishing touch on one of mine and photograph it and post...whew, I'm winded just thinking of it.

  16. No, I am cloche impaired. You appear to be quite creative at putting together a pretty cloche because I think this one is absolutely precious! And the book is pretty AMAZING too!

    Forget the "Itty Bitty Kitty" would be all over that peppermint candy cane. She is indifferent to catnip but goes completely crazy over any minty smell.

  17. I love your little mice & their beautiful tree! There's something special about little mice all dressed in their finery at Christmas time...
    The book is gorgeous & the perfect spot for the cloche. Loved your vignette Debbie!!! ☺♥☺

  18. Your cloche is wonderful and the book is a true treasure, Debbie! Wonderful post!

  19. Oh Debbie, I don't think you are cloche impaired at all. I LOVE your wonderful little mouse tree and you have displayed it so beautifully with the book and your two kitties. Your assistant this week is so cute. Thanks for joining the party and being such a wonderful friend. God Bless. I love ya. Hugs, Marty

  20. Impaired! I don't think so. You did great!

  21. I consider myself cloche impaired (I agonize and change and change and rearrange) LOL!

    I think you did great and I love that book! What a treasure!


  22. What a great old book...lucky you!

  23. Debbie - it looks lovely - everything you do has a beautiful touch!

    Mouse, eh???? Will have to remember that tidbit! LOL

    Baby Kitty seems enthralled with the mice also..
    The book is unbelievable - what a find and a great memory!

  24. I had to laugh at your self-proclaimed cloche impairment. I suffer from the same malady; just never know what to put under the darned things!

  25. Totally CAN TOO do a wonderful display....everything is just the "scarves" on the looks like they're blowing in the wind. How clever to tie the candy cane on top of the cloche....

    Great post....I really enjoyed it.

    Warm blessings,

  26. Debbie, I am cloche impaired also. I just didn't admit it on my blog! You are so cute. I love the candy cane tied on with the pretty ribbon on top of your cloche. Very original. I loved S.F. Music Box Company too! Many family members received gifts from there for Christmas. Yours is so cute. What a fantastic book find! Thank you for your condolences. I am so behind on my blog reading, because of our very busy week. laurie

  27. This is the cutest set up. I love how it sits on the book and the candy cane in the bow! Mice have always been one of my favorites, not real ones though :)

  28. I'm glad that someone else feels impaired. You aren't...yours is darling. This was my first attempt and it wasn't even with a real cloche...I tried so many things and nothing looked right. Oh well, I am learning from the rest of you!


  29. Hi Debbie, You're such a good fake, that I'm intimidated!

  30. You are so NOT cloche impaired. Its cute and adorable. I love the book. What a great treasure to have. Rosie

  31. What a charming cloche- no cloche impairment for you! Love the use of the books- they are so great to use to adjust heights they are everywhere in my house I just can't read them for there is always something sitting on them!!


  32. What a fantastic picture of your kitty looking at the mice under glass! Sooo cute! What a beautiful home you have! :)

  33. Talk about antiques, that book is the true antique. Wow! Love your musical box, Debbie. That's what I bought, San Francisco musical boxes to give to referring doctors. Love how you tie ribbons on the cloches and scarves on your Sheila cats.....Christine

  34. Debbie, quel joli post (pardon mon franglais s.t.p.). Les souris sont adorables! Et quel trésor que ta mère t'a donné! Si mignon!! Mais le livre - il est magnifique. Moi, je suis folle des vieux livres. (Il est six heures treize et mon cerveau ne peux pas encore penser en français. Je pense qu'il y a des erreurs dans la dernière phrase.) Linda

  35. Wow Debbie you certainly got a treasure in that book! And I love your mice!! So cute!! Love the way you added the candy cane on top! That was a good one too! Mice under glass! Ha! Sort of frustrating for your kitty though! God Bless! Lauralu :)

  36. Hi Debbie,
    I love your little cloche! I love the way you have displayed it too. Wonderful book as well! The kitty in the picture adds a little something special. Thank you for sharing; very enjoyable!


  37. Oh I want to go with you on the home tour....

    Debbie this is just lovely my friend...and eeks you like mice....OMG girl I just found something else about you...No wonder all those cats love you to death ha ha!!
    How sweet is that book and that so sounds like something my mama would have wanted...And girl the only french I know is what Vanna has taught me and I can't use it any where ha ha!! May you have a great weekend my friend...takes tons of pictures...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  38. Hi Dear Debbieness! Oh, this is so sweet! I love your little mousies! They're too precious. Now I think had better go check on Baby Kitty...she smacking her tiny little lips as she continues to look at the little mousies! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  39. I like mice long as they're not real. :) Your cloche is so sweet, with such beautiful sentiment in every piece. The book is just fabulous! What a find!

  40. Debbie, love, love, love the mice. I hope Baby Kitty didn't get too excited. She's certainly a cutie. What a wonderful treasure your book is. I'm quite the lover of books and one this old and this condition is certainly a treasure.
    hugs ~lynne~

  41. I love your adorable little mice! My husband found one, not still living, when he went up to the attic to retrieve the Xmas tree. But lets not talk about that. Yours are sooo much cuter! That book is precious. I know you will cherish it always. I would!

  42. Beautiful, and what a treasure that book is too!

  43. Hi Debbie, your cloche decor has the imprint of what your mother loved so to me is more that beautiful... and that old book is a real treasure, so old!!!
    Thank you for your visit and lovely comment.
    Muchos cariños,
    María Cecilia

  44. Well, I found your blog on some of the blogs I am following. I live in Georgia as well.

    I must saw your photography is wonderful. Beautiful. Awesome.

    Love the cat looking at the mice under the cloche.


  45. I enjoyed seeing your little mice decorating their tree under the cloche! The kitties look so proud in their scarves!

    I used some of my Nativity collection under different cloches.



Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie