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03 February, 2009

Wordless Wednesday ...and ... Outdoor Wednesday

Today I am participating in both Wordless Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday!
This is my second time for getting in on the fun of Wordless Wednesday hosted by my friend Dixie at French Lique, Texas. Be sure to drop by her wonderful blog to see a list of the participants, get the word for the week and find out how to join us!



This is also my second time for participating in Outdoor Wednesday hosted by my fellow Georgian Susan at A Southern Daydreamer. Visit her fabulous blog to see who is participating this week. During this cold and dreary time of year, it's nice to get a little peek into the gardens and outdoor projects of our fellow bloggers!

I would like to show you my ginger lilies. You may not be familiar with this plant as it usually grows in warmer climates, such as we have here in the South. It comes back every Spring and at first doesn't appear to be anything special...tall with regularly spaced leaves like corn!! But then in the Fall, big buds appear and the delicate flowers come out!

They smell like Heaven must smell!! I wish I could upload the fragrance for you! I've had people walking by my house stop to ask me the name of the flowers, lured into my yard by the wonderful smell! These flowers are also special to me for another reason...they came from my parents' house. I dug up as many as I could before my sister and I left for the last time and planted them here in my yard and in my sister's yard as well. They remind me of sitting on the back porch with my dad and enjoying their fragrance. I have since shared them with my daughter who has planted them at her new house!

But the biggest surprise came one Fall evening right at dusk! In the dimming light, I could see what appeared to be several humming birds darting around the fragrant flowers, hovering to get nectar, and then moving to another flower. Hummingbirds in the evening???

Photo by L. Todd Spencer
Upon closer inspection, I saw that they were MOTHS!!! Unbelievable! Moths as big as hummingbirds flitting among the flowers at twilight!! They would hover over a flower, unroll their long, delicate feeding tubes, drink the nectar and then move on. I came back several evenings at the same time and they were always there..amazing! I tried for several nights to take a picture of them and I have never succeeded. They have come back every year without fail when the ginger lilies are blooming.
I have since learned that they are white-lined sphinx moths, sometimes called hummingbird moths...not to be confused with a daytime variety. Their name is deceptive, for they are striped with splashes of bright pink! I found a wonderful article by Mary Reid Barrow on which includes amazing video by L.Todd Spencer at the Virginian-Pilot When you watch it, you will understand why I look forward to arrival of Fall every year so that once again, my ginger lilies will bloom and the sphinx moths will make their appearance!


  1. Hi Debbie... love the kiddos in the leaves... I've added a video to my "Children" post... it's so sweet... children in France playing in the snow... drop back by when you have a chance to see.

    I love those Ginger Lilies... I haven't seen them in years... (they must not grow them much in south Texas... but they were everywhere in South Mississippi! Your photos are beautiful... and that moth! I've seen them, but didn't know what they were called. We do have those here.

    yes... that's me and grandpa. he got me addicted to Dr. Pepper when I was 13 months old... still am! ;)

    happy wordless and outdoor wednesday... blessings. Dixie

  2. Beautiful flowers. I have seen moths that big a few times. It is amazing.

    I think our snow has already ended. That means I'll have to go to work tomorrow after all.


  3. Happy Outdoor Wednesday Debbie!

    Oh my... I have never seen ginger lilies (I don't think)...but I must look for them now! Do they require any special care? Where should I look (store) for them??

    The moths are amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!!


  4. Susan, is that the same thing as a ginger plant? If so, mine don't bloom like yours. Yours are INCREDIBLE. And I've never seen a moth that size. It's like Mothra! Do you remember that movie??? LOL! I loved seeing this. You learn something new every day, and you're a great teacher. Lovely, lovey flowering plant, too! :-)



  5. Debbie, I love your ginger lilies. I am dreaming that I can smell them. How special that they came from your parents house.

    You're lucky to have gold finches at this time of the year. We don't get them until spring. They are my favorite, too!!
    Hugs, Terrie

  6. Debbie, I know you're not Susan! It's late, and I need to go to BED! I think I'm going to take a week off and recuperate from all the insanity I call my life, LOL! Love your flowers!


    Sheila :-)

  7. I love your lilies. I can't wait for spring! I'm suffering from a little cabin fever!

  8. The ginger lilies are gorgeous! I need to check them out for my area! ♥ Diane

  9. What a wonderful post!! First, what could be more fun than playing in a pile of leaves or a pile of snow!!!

    I was so taken by your information about the Ginger Lilies and those amazing Hummingbird Moths! I quickly pulled my husband into the "computer room" (more civilized folks call is "their office") to see the video! I was certain he'd never heard of them, but he had (he watches every show about critters). However, he enjoyed seeing the video--I really loved it! Thanks for such an informative post! Happy WW and OW!! Dana

  10. Hi Debbie!! I'm so happy to be reading your blog again! It's right up at the top of blogs I've missed list! Wow how beautiful! Both the moths and the lilies! They really do look like hummingbirds. That must be something to see in the evening! And I bet the smell of thos lilies is heavenly! Also thank you so much for your prayers for my mom.They're working! And I'm so thankful. Vanna

  11. Debbie, what a lovely post. The boys playing in the leaves is such a great shot. And those ginger lilies, my grandmother had those and the smell is heavenly! The video of the moths is incredible, I've never seen them that I know of. What a great post! Hugs, Kathy

  12. Debbie, This was a "delightful" share...I really enjoyed the little video showing how the hummingbird moths feed on this plant. What a great memory of home to bring those flowers to your place. I too have done that at every home I've owned. Two years ago I brought many of my mom's iris bulbs and planted., when I see the blooms they remind me of the tea party we had in her garden that summer. Making memories are great! Thanks for sharing your blooms and your moths! ;) ~CC Catherine

  13. oh how I love ginger lillies, my parents also had them and I dug up some before we sold their home after they passed. But something happened and they died so I think after reading your post I just might have to revisit getting more ginger lilles. I really love them and my mom always brought them indoors, the whole house would smell so beautiful..thanks for the memories!

  14. Debbie you are just full of information today.
    I learned about Ginger lilies and humming bird moths both. How special that the lilies came from your parents home. My dear friend has berries growing in her yard that came from my dad's berry patch. (I don't have my glasses on. I hope I don't make any mistakes)

    Kathy b

  15. Oh I do love learning something new and I think this is the first time I've seen ginger lilies. Now I need to smell their fragrance. Lovely outdoor post!!

  16. Debbie, your Ginger Lillies are just gorgeous, and the video is just unbelievable. I have never seen Ginger Lillies or Hummingbird Moths. Such a treat to see both. I love that yours are from your mother's yard. What a special blessing and I'm sure they bring back so many memories. How lucky that your daughter has some also. Great post. Hugs, Marty

  17. Oh, I love ginger...I have a few different varities!

  18. Very interesting, Debbie! I have seen Ginger lilies. We have them in our FL yard and the flowers smell so good but I have never seen hummingbird moths. Thanks for the video and the education....Christine

  19. I haven't heard of these lilies. We can grow the fragrant pink lilies here and your right the smell is divine. I would love to attract more hummies and butterflies to my garden this summer, if it ever gets here!!
    I might have to look into these beauties.
    Love Claudie

  20. Wow Debbie,
    I want some Ginger lilies! I don't think I have ever seen them, they are so lovely and to pass onto your daughter- how wonderful! That video was way cool, we have hummingbirds but not the moths. This was a really wonderful post. Cindy

  21. I was born and raised in Georgia, although I live far away now. But I don't recall seeing ginger lilies. I have, however, seen those moths. I really don't like things flying around at night. Creepy.

    Blessings, Lana

  22. I am unfamiliar with ginger lilies, so I'll have to keep an eye out for them. I wonder if they are grown and sold by nurseries or if you just have to find them growing in the "wild". They are beautiful however they are acquired.

    The video of the hummingbird moths is fascinating. To my knowledge, I've never seen one. My hummers will feed near dusk sometimes, but they are easy to identify. At least the males with their red throats are as they zip and zoom around the feeder before they settle onto a perch to feed. So nice to observe them at rest.

  23. Hi Debbie:
    I love the picture of the children in the leaves. But, as a gardener, I love the ginger plant! I have ginger plants with yellow flowers. Mine are blooming now too, so sweet the smell! I am in So California.
    Love, Ann

  24. Darling picture of the children in the leaves. Your lilies are gorgeous - and I had one of those moths a couple of summers ago. It was incredible!

  25. Debbie, you are still a professor teaching us about nature. And I am listening. Thank you. I love it

  26. Thank you for sharing! The Ginger Lilies are spectacular. The White Lined Sphinx Moths are fascinating- masquerading as hummingbirds...
    what a wonderful post.

  27. Beautiful children and flowers!!! Your grow them both so wonderfully!!!
    Happy Wednesday!


  29. Oh my! How have I missed Ginger lilies? They are so beautiful and I would love the scent. I need some planted by the porch where I could smell them. New project!

    Accck Kudzu. We don't have it here but we go to Natchez, MS...and it covers EVERYthing!

  30. Hi Glenda...I think they have to be ordered. I've never seen them at a nursery around here. I wish you were nearby and I would just bring you some! I have hummingbirds, too! Last summer two females got in a huge fight at the feeder, each trying to bump the other away! They wound up on the ground fighting like a couple of kids! They were so busy fighting that they let me get within 3 feet of them and sit in a chair to watch! It went on for that long!
    Thanks for the visit! It's always nice to see you here! Hugs...Debbie

  31. Hi Norwegian...Thanks so much for the visit! I love seeing your comments! I have looked at your profile...we have a lot in common! Have a great day...Debbie

  32. You are so funny! However it is's the most invasive thing I know of.

  33. Those are very beautiful pictures!

  34. Fabulous as always.You and Dixie gave me an idea/I never thought of a video.hmmmmmmm...Ann

  35. We get hummingbird moths here in Oklahoma too. They are so big and beautiful. Sometimes we find them on the brick during the day, sleeping it seems. Your video is awesome.

  36. Hi Debbie...I could almost smell the ginger lillies from your description...I'll check out the video to run to the doc this morning... ;-) Bo

  37. LOL Debbie,
    I think your right! You better keep an eye on me. I do remember that episode. I also want to congratulate you for being one of the Top 20 Designers on Micasa! How cool is that! Cindy

  38. the kids playing in the leaves looks like so much fun!

    Those ginger lillies are rather pretty and the moths are just amazing! I learned something new today.

  39. The Lilies are just stunning, and they do smell so great, don't they? Your blog name makes us "sisters of the plates." Glad I found you today! :)

  40. Dearest Debbie! thank you so much for finding me in blogland! I have no earthly idea what I am doing!!!!but couldn't resist joining all you gals! your blog is beautiful! I have never heard of hummingbird moths! so cool! We have alot in common! you mentioned fav movies and music I didn't get too! God bless you today! lauralu!

  41. Hi!
    Stopping by from Wordless Wednesday to admire your Children. Wishing you a happy day!
    Roberta Anne

  42. Debbie, your little darlings in the leaves is just too precious for words! I love your ginger lilies. I wasn't aware of this plant. It is incredible. The shot of the hummingbird is just priceless.. Thanks for the visit darling. Hope you're having a super day.
    hugs ~lynne~

  43. Thank you Deb.I sometimes pick winners myself.But I've never been,well,i was with the pink saturday gum art.Well I'm still happy you chose me winner.Thank you.,,,ann

  44. Great shot of the kids with the leaves. I also loved the pictures of your ginger lilies. Just beautiful. Thanks for sharing and have a great day!

  45. Debbie,
    Love those ginger Lillies...Great Oudlorr photos..of your garden...Happy Outdoor Wednesday...Great post..I enjoyed ti..Katherinellen

  46. What a fun and interesting post. Your pictures are beautiful! And your knowledge of flower and insect is amazing. You know, I think God has given you a special gift of curiosity mixed generously with wonder and joy! Everything that catches your attention is an amazement that you set immediately about learning all you can. And the joy of that venture is obvious as you post. It is contagious also and makes others who read your post want to know more. I've never seen a ginger lily - that I know - but I will be looking for some this spring and when they bloom I will be looking for those moths that make me think they are hummingbirds. Thanks for this - and all such gifts - you have given me.

  47. Hi Debbie,
    Thanks for sharing the ginger lilies and the humming bird moths, I don't believe I have ever seen them, but I will be looking more closely this year,.

  48. Hi Deb, Do you know what I love about your blog.I always finish reading one of your post with a smile or a hmmmmm!You make me laugh,cry and think now that is just good reading.I am not familiar with either the ginger lily or the hummingbird moth.I am familiar with children in the leaves,there is nothing better,is that your precious grandson?I want some ginger lilies for my backyard,do they bloom in the summer also or just now.I am all about the fragrance.Thanks again,I am going to have to see if I can find ginger lilies.Hugs my friend,Kathysue

  49. Those lilies are just gorgeous!

  50. The lilies are beautiful, I can almost smell them!! I am so glad you were able to get them from your parents home. What a great memory you will always have when you look at them.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie