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08 February, 2009

Merci Beaucoup for the Awards!

I am so honored that several of my dear friends in Blogland have been so kind as to think of me in the form of some very special awards! I ask their forgiveness for taking so long to post them!

The first is this wonderful Love Blog's "The Spreader of Love" award from Riet at Quiltin' n Stitching lady. If you have not been to Riet's blog, you have missed a real treat! She is a very talented lady with a heart of gold! You will be amazed by her creativity.

I must say that I am in reality the recipient of love, because I have never met a more wonderful group of ladies than we have here in Blogland!
The only rule for this award is to pass it along to five people and spread the love!


The next award is from Christine at Christine's Home and Travel Adventures.
Christine is a friend from Rate My Space and from MicasaStyle whose blog you will not want to miss! She has a gorgeous home and has a special post every Saturday with fabulous photos of her world travels!

The rules of this award are:
1) Accept the award and post it on your blog along with the name of the person who gave it to you as well as a link back to their blog.
2) Pass the award on to 5 blogs worthy of the award.
3) Be sure to notify the recipient that you have left them an award!


This next award is a Sisterhood Award from Ann at Life at Ann's Place.
If you have not visited Ann's blog, you need to rush right over there right now! You will be met by the kindest, sweetest and most selfless lady in Blogland. She is always thinking of others! She'll take you in and treat you like she's known you all her life!

Here are the rules for the Sisterhood Award recipients: Put the logo on your blog or post. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude! Be sure to link to your nominees within your post. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

The final award is the Lemonade Award from two very special people:

Michelle (momovthree) at From House to Home
Michelle is lovingly renovating her home and we have the pleasure of following her through the process step by step. You will be amazed at what she has accomplished thus far in her lovely home! She is a bundle of energy!

Kristen at Kristen's Creations
Kristen is another friend from Rate My Space who is without doubt one of the most creative people I have ever had the pleasure to know! You will enjoy visiting her lovely home and also getting a peek at what she has in store for you at her online shop!

What this award is about...Bloggers who show great attitude and gratitude.
What you have to do...Upon receiving The Lemonade Award, you also pass it on to other bloggers who you think show great attitude and gratitude.
Here are the rules:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 8 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

Well, wonderful ladies, I hope you won't mind if I cannot choose any one person to receive these awards. The longer I blog, the more I realize that I am surrounded by a fantastic group of women of all ages and in all parts of the world! You are a kind, loving and supportive group and I cannot express how much you have all come to mean to me! So I will just say...Thank you for being my friend!! I love you all!!! Hugs...Debbie


  1. Congratulations on your oh so well deserved awards My Friend! ♥ Diane

  2. Wow, so many great awards! Your deserve them all and then some!
    Congratulations girl....


  3. Hi There Debbie,
    Congrats on your wonderful well deserved awards! I agree, the longer you blog the more nice and caring people you meet. Thanks for being such a great friend. Cindy

  4. Congratulations to you! I don't know a more deserving person. I am a bit overwhelmed at how people keep up with this. You are right about the fantastic people you meet on being one of the most fantastic. :)You have been so very sweet to me.
    You are fantastic not just because of your kindness to me..but.. :) YOU LOVE PLATES!!
    I can't have enough of them. They are actually stacked....well..never mind.
    Anyway..the women who chose you, chose wisely.
    BIG hug!
    (AND you speak French!)

  5. Hi Debbie...You certainly deserve every one of these awards & more...I do agree with you that it's impossible to pass them on to only a few.
    Happy Sunday! ;-) Bo

  6. Debbie, you really are the dearest person and you so deserve all these wonderful awards. I am so honored to call you friend. Hugs, Marty

  7. Congrats Debbie on receiving so many great awards! You are very deserving! Have a wonderful Sunday girl!

  8. Congrats on all your awards! It is hard to pick who to pass them on to!


  9. Debbie, congratulations on your much deserved awards! laurie

  10. Congrats on the awards Debbie! Just goes to show how everyone see what a kind person and good friend you are to others! Ya know radiate positivity! (Is that a word? :-)...well anyway, you do!!)

  11. Debbie, you deserve these awards! You are a true sweetheart and fun to boot! Sending many warm wishes your way for happiness today and every day. :-)



  12. Hi Debbie! Congratulations on all of your blog love! You really are the sweetest one!
    Be a sweetie and thank you for your visit.
    Shelia ;)

  13. Congratulations Debbie! You deserved every one of them! And I'm going to check out your friend's blogs! God Bless you today! Lauralu

  14. Debbie
    You certainly are worthy of these awards and more. I can tell through your writing and musings that you are a creative, inspiring and caring soul. I'm glad to have you as one of my first blog friends. I bet you were a fabulous teacher!

  15. Well deserved... what would we be without our favorite plate addict! hugs. Dixie

  16. Did you see my next post. One bird is back.

  17. Debbie, I agree with these ladies you are very deserving of these awards. I actually just left you one on my blog. I just wanted to let you know how sweet you are, and how much I appreciate you. Thanks for letting me share my blog with you.

  18. You deserve all the awards. Congratulations

  19. Congratulations Debbie. You surely deserve these. You've been such a help to me (and many others) in setting up and supporting our blogs! I giggled when I read your kitty hug comment, I'm afraid Sax would spit too. Hugs, Kathy

  20. Congrats on all those awards, Debbie. You sure deserve them all!...Christine

  21. Congratulations Debbie! You are so right on the wonderful relationships that are built in Blogland... You are very deserving of each and every award., and I know each and every person who visits your blog feels very enthused, entertained, and quite loved by all your fun, creativity, and passion for plates, Quimper, and all things French! These awards could not have been given to a kinder soul! ~Au Revoir, ~CC Catherine

  22. Congrats Debbie!
    I am so happy you are my friend.
    You are a dear sweet person.

    Well deserved...every single one.
    ~Melissa :)

  23. Hi said it so perfectly, this blog thing is just amazing meeting so many wonderful women of all ages all over the world...It's the best thing I have done in a very long time....I asked Manuela and the other Deb at Driven55 about meeting one day for lunch, how about joining us...Your in Atlanta too aren't you??

  24. I should be going to bed but I have to watch Sense and Sensibility. heehee

  25. Congrats Debbie! You're the BEST!!!! CHEERS! Michele

  26. How wonderful it is to be recognized by three fellow astute bloggers. Two I'm familiar with and the third will be checked out forthwith.

    Congrats to a delightful and oh so smart cyber friend.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie