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25 January, 2009

What's Mew?...or...Three Blogs and Five Events

We are pleased to announce that corporate headquarters has just approved a new feature for our blog ...What's Mew?...which is being hosted today by our own feline phenom...Baby Kitty. Today Baby Kitty will be introducing three new blogs and reminding us of five upcoming events. First the blogs....

Three dear friends from Rate My Space and MicasaStyle have taken the plunge and joined Blogland! We invite you to visit their wonderful new blogs and make them feel welcome as only you, my fellow bloggers, know how to do!

Our friend RMSers will know her as xinex...has entered the blogging world by way of her new blog Christine's Home and Travel Adventures. Among other things, she will be taking us on a virtual trip with her weekly post Sightseeing Saturday. She has already taken us to Nice and Monte Carlo and we can't wait to see where we will go next!

In addition, our friend will remember her on RMS as prairiedog...has taken the plunge into the blogging pool and has started her blog Life on the Prairies. We have been delighted to see her beautiful garden and some wonderful shots of snow as well, for all of us snow-starved Southerners.

And finally, another dear friend from RMS... Marty...aka marty39 our most recent brave soul to join the ranks of Blogdom with her blog A Stroll thru Life. She has treated us to her gorgeous gardens in the desert...amazing, huh?...and we look forward to much more.

Now for the events...

Don't forget the second Metamorphosis Monday hosted by Susan at Between Naps on the Porch. If you have made major changes to your home or even re-organized your closet, we want to see it! Please visit her blog to get all the details.

Barb at Grits and Glamour will be hosting the very first What's on Your Wall Wednesday. If you visit her blog, you can find out all the details. You know my post will be about....plates!

Also, my friend Dixie at French Lique, Texas has begun hosting a weekly event called Wordless Wednesday. The word this week is garden. Please visit her to get details for participation.

And don't forget the third Outdoor Wednesday hosted by my fellow Georgian Susan at A Southern Daydreamer. We love having a peek at your beautiful gardens during these cold winter months! Be sure to visit her blog for details in order to participate!

And finally, KD at Southern Whimsy will be hosting the very first Themed Thursday. This week's theme is blue transferware, and no, I did not influence her! lol See her blog for details.

Well...that's it for this edition of What's Mew? Your host Baby Kitty would like to thank you for joining us and hopes that you will swing by and say hi to these new bloggers who are old friends. He also hopes that you will take advantage of the wonderful new events here in Blogland!


  1. Hi Debbie,
    LOL! I have a big smile on my face, the music (with Tom Jones) and the cute pic of Baby! I'm still giggling, thanks for sharing and I will check out the new blogs. Cindy

  2. Debbie... thanks for the shout-out for Wordless Wednesday.. and your sweet comments re the Panda's mani-pedi... she was 3 or 4 when she did that, and I still look at the pics every once in a while... whenever I need a smile.. ;)

    so... so when are you going to start hosting Fired Clay Friday? just a thought...

  3. Debbie, thank you so much for the mention. You are as always such a dear. When I get the hang of this blog thing and figure out how to do all this stuff I will be thrilled to join in on all the fun. Thanks again for the shout out. Hugs, Marty

  4. Good morning Baby Kitty...thank you for telling us "what's mew"...gonna run over & take a peek at the new blogs... ;-) Bo

  5. And another announcement.You have another award waiting at my house.I know we're playing award tag,but golly you deserve these...ann

  6. Awww Debbie! Your post is so cute! Thanks you for including me and announcing my Sightseeing Saturday.That is just so thoughtful of you...Christine

  7. Thank you Baby Kitty for keeping us up on blogland! And your mom did a great job picking music for this post as usual! I bet you're staying busy trying to keep up with all the great new blogs and events. Tell mom I said you deserve some extra catnip for taking on these new responsibilities! Hugs, Kathy

  8. Love that kitty SO much. He looks like the brother of my Alfie boy, aka Cozy Kitten aka Coze aka Alfalfa. And this is so helpful, Debbie. I want to check out some of these events. Thanks much!

    Sending love to you this morning and always...



  9. and there is always Outdoor Wednesday! (#3 this week)

  10. I love your new feature "What's Mew?"!!! Miss Kitty is the perfect hostess!

  11. Thanks for sharing all these fantastic upcoming events in Blogland!! L~

  12. Baby Kitty - you did so well keeping track of all the upcoming happenenings. I hereby nominate Baby Kitty as the official "Bloglander Committee Organizer Upcoming Event Announcer" ....ok too long...official "Blogland Announcer." LOL You are such a sweet kit-...BABY KITTY!!! STOP LICKING YOUR BUTT! Oh well...back to our regularly scheduled program. ;-)

  13. Hi again Debbie! Wouldn't you know it, I did not even notice any mistake you have done on the announcement. I must not be very observant. And I just noticed, I said "Thanks you", sorry for the grammatical error, actually it was more of a typing or fingeral error. LOL!....Christine

  14. Thanks for including Outdoor Wednesday (I didn't mean you had to add to your post silly, but thanks!)

    I went and visited the new bloggers..and have added them to google reader to follow them (thanks for sharing)

    Heading out to work in the yard today (I think) if it isn't to wet

  15. Thanks Debbie for the warm welcome into blog land.I can't thank you enough for your knowledge you have shared with me regarding blogs,posts,images,text.agghhh it's hard,all been on the job training,without you, I would still be stuck.You are a teacher forever,you can't retire from that path,it's in your blood.
    I promise to anyone who decides to look at my blog that it will not just be pictures of my kids and grandkids,give me time.Debbie,have a great day! I am going to go see that little grandbaby of mine today. whoo hoo! Cyndi

  16. Thank you Baby Kitty for all of those wonderful announcements!

    You have a lovely blog - I have enjoyed my visit. I too am a plate addict! I especially love red and white transferware as well as anything that has a rooster on it. What a fun thing to collect.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind comments. I will be adding you to my favorites if you don't mind. Have a wonderful Sunday!


  17. GM Miss Kitty..aren't you just the cats meow with all this great news..The cat haven't gotten your tongue..Loved all your furries tib bits...thanks and tell mommy to clean your litter box...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  18. I love your new What's Mew, and the best part is the host! Thank you so much for always giving us all the latest information. I cannot wait to check out those new blogs.

    I am going to try my hardest to post for Met. Monday tomorrow. Since I purchased my house, I have changed something in every room. I have a lot to share. The only problem is that the Bachelor is on Monday nights. By the time I get home from work & settle in it is time for the Bachelor. And, let me tell you that is a must for me! I am thinking I will compose my post on a Word document today, and copy & past tomorrow.

    I hope you have a great day today.


  19. Thanks Debbie. I'll be visiting the "mew" blogs!

  20. Hi Baby Kitty, :)
    You sure have done a great job of keeping us informed of things going on around Blogland.
    Thank you very much dear kitty.
    Meow....from Chestnut. :)

  21. Debbie, thank you for letting me know that I can create a post on a timer. This is so exciting. What a great feature!

    Thanks again,

  22. Debbie, I love Baby Kitty's "What's Mew" feature! BK is the perfect selection for this job. I need your corporate headquarters to send me some help! OOOOO! I didn't know about Thursday's Blue Transferware! Sounds like Thurs. will be heavenly for you and me! Thanks for telling me. laurie

  23. Just when I begin to think I need a program to keep up with what is going on, here comes Baby Kitty to the rescue. Sorry he can't make me any faster, but maybe I want be as neglectful.

    Thanks to you Baby Kitty and to your cohort Debbie. So glad to see you are taking your position as Co-Host seriously. Ozzie better watch out or he/she just might find a new CEO at the helm.

  24. Your cats are so cute, Debbie...and they look like they all have their own unique personalities, without a doubt! :-) Thank you for introducing us to three new blogs...things move FAST in the blogging world, and it takes a group effort to stay on top of things sometimes!

  25. Ah bon jour Mme Debbie! :) Jeanne d'Arc a toujours été une telle source d'inspiration pour moi ... Oui, elle est ici, et je crois que nous sommes tous, ceux qui l'entendent ... qui se sentent, et qui savent qu'il ya quelque chose de plus grand que nous-mêmes, qui nous guide dans notre vie. Je suis très sincèrement heureux que vous aimez la poésie, assez bien de revenir pour une deuxième lecture! Cet acte en dit long:) Merci beaucoup!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie