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07 February, 2013

A Favorite New Find...and...Some Very Exciting News!

egg holderI have been a little out of the loop for a few days for a very exciting reason…and I will explain in just a minute! But first I want to show you my latest love…my French wire egg holder! Woo hoo! I have been on the hunt for this baby for several years…ever since I saw one while touring Monet’s wonderful blue and white kitchen in Giverny! But…it was nowhere to be found.

egg holder2Then while I was shopping at the Williams Sonoma outlet with my friend Linda at Nina’s Nest, the heavens opened up and a shaft of light fell upon…my French wire egg holder! And…it was even on sale! Woo hoo! Come to mama! You have to admit that is just about the frenchiest thing you have ever seen! Now Claude Monet has nothing on me! I am in love! :-)

mantel 3 And now my big news…why am I showing you my Christmas decorations? They have been up all this time because…I had a magazine shoot at my house! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Yes…pinch me! Country Sampler will be featuring my house all decorated for Christmas in an issue this fall!  I am still smiling and it seems like a dream! I was afraid to tell anyone until it was over…just in case it wasn’t real! lol It was so much fun! The photographer and his wife/stylist were such interesting people. I felt like some friends had come to play with my toys!

kittyAnd I must report that our Miss Kitty made a fool of her sweet self over them and managed to work her way into several shots! While the rest of the staff hid under the bed all day, Kitty wormed her way into their hearts and a star was born! Here she is taking a well-deserved nap after a hard day of modeling! Sooo…once the magazine is on the shelves, I will share it with you…but I have a long time to wait! I have a feeling  will be excited all over again…so brace yourselves! I hope you don’t mind! :-)

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed a little peek at my favorite new find! Please visit these wonderful bloggers and their beautiful blogs to see what they are up to and to find a list of this week’s participants!
Under the Table and Dreaming for the Sunday Showcase Party
Thrifty Decor Chick for Before and After Monday

Boogieboard Cottage for Masterpiece Monday
Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday

The Stories of A2Z for Tutorials and Tips Tuesday
Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

A Stroll thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday
Cedar Hill Ranch for Cowgirl Up! on Tuesdays

My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia for Tuesday's Treasures

Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays
DIY by Design for Winter Blues Wednesday

The Shabby Creek Cottage for Transformation Thursdays
No Minimalist Here for the Open House Party on Thursdays

Stone Gable for Tutorials, Tips and Tidbits on Thursdays

My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday
French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday

Common Ground for Be Inspired on Fridays
The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday

Craftberry Bush for the Inspiration Gallery on Friday
Funky Junk Interiors for Saturday Nite Special

See you next time! À la prochaine!

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  1. Congratulations!!!!
    That's one of my F.A.V.O.R.I.T.E. magazines!!

  2. How exciting on both counts! I'm looking forward to the article.Your house is always magazine worthy.

  3. oh, I'm so excited for your great news about the photo shoot! Congrats, you deserve the recognition!! and your new French egg holder is wonderful, so glad you found it!

  4. Congrats, and happy, happy day. This is so well-deserved!! I think Town and Country Living blog will be featured in the Christmas issue next year as well. I think she said something about having to leave her decorations up late. Woo Hoo!!!

  5. Congratulations, Debbie! That is such exciting news! I hope you will mention it again when it comes out. I want to make sure I go out and get that one!

  6. What wonderful news, Deb. I'm not surprised though that a magazine has found you. Your home is so beautiful. That Miss Kitty, so shameless. She probably dreams of being a model and now she is. Love the egg holder. Very unique.

  7. Fantastique! Can't wait to see the issue when it comes out! Couldn't have happened to a sweeter, more deserving blogger! Love your creativity!

  8. Congratulations, Debbie! Your creations are so beautiful. I will have to buy that issue when it comes out.


  9. Hi Debbie,
    Love the very frenchy egg holder. Also, congratulations on your magazine photo shoot, I'm so happy and excited for you.


  10. Debbie, The egg holder is wonderful. Congrats on the well deserved magazine article. I have no doubt you will be featured in many more.
    xx, Sherry

  11. EXCITINGGGGGG!!!!!!!!! Boy girl friend, you have been lucky on both counts! Finding your wire egg holder and the magazine,wow,wow!!! Congrats, you deserve it! Big hugs,

  12. I am so excited for you! I know Fall will be here and the magazine out before we know it! Love that Miss Kitty is a star now! That frenchy egg holder is amazing! Love it for sure!
    hugs, Linda

  13. How fun! Congrats on the magazine feature, that's very exciting indeed-enjoy:@)

  14. Congratulations on a well deserved recognition from Country Sampler. I am grinning from ear to ear!! So Exciting and I am so thrilled for you. Loving the egg holder, perfect addition to your kitchen and baby kitty looks so relaxed and comfy I can see why she/he was the star of the day!! xo Kathysue

  15. Congratulations Debbie, You deserved the honor and I like reading Country Sample. As fast as the time is going, it will be here before we are ready. It seems as though one month starts and is gone in a blink of an eye. I like the egg holder and your kitty is adorable. Have a wonderful day. Your Missouri Friend.

  16. This IS exciting! You must be thrilled! Congrats, Debbie!

    Your Frenchy egg holder is awesome. I thought it was a cupcake holder at first! I love it!


  17. Oh you lucky girl. I LOVE that magazine....and well deserved.

  18. Very exciting Debbie, Congrats! I am so happy for you!

  19. Love the egg holder. And your news about the feature in the magazine---wonderful! Congratulations!

  20. I just can't wait to see the magazine, it is so exciting. Love your egg holder too. Hugs, Marty

  21. Congratulations, Debbie...wonderful! Cool egg holder, now you will have to get some hens to fill it with fresh eggs!
    I finally found an underplate for my Red Cliff tureen like yours.

  22. Loving the egg holder and a photo shoot, how wonderful hope you enjoyed it, look forward to seeing piccies.

  23. Fantastic Debbie! You do deserve a feature! How wonderful! Love your egg holder too, it is awesome!

  24. Congrats! Cam't imagine any shot better than that of kitty taking a nap.

  25. Congratulations! You absolutely deserve to have your home featured. I hope they will talk about your thrifting skills and your ability to make beautiful things for your home.

  26. Congratulations!!!! So well deserved! Can't wait until the magazine comes out! By the way, love, love, love your egg holder!

  27. Congratulations Debbie! I'm happy for you. Hugs, Cristina

  28. I'm so excited for you Debbie! Congratulations!! I love that magazine and I don't usually missed an issue. It's always fun to see bloggers that you know published in magazines. Enjoy your day, Gail

  29. Congratulations, Debbie! I'm so excited for you! A well deserved honor for sure. I'll look forward to seeing the magazine. Next fall will be here before you know it! BTW - I adore your newest treasure.

  30. How exciting for you, Debbie! Congratulations and keep us posted!

  31. Congrats Debbie....what a great honor and feather in your cap!!!....I saw that egg wire basket at the WS outlet too...Kim (Savvy Southern) and I were shopping there too!!!...I went back and forth on deciding whether to buy it...but passed on it...should not have done that!!...Love it!!

  32. Congrata!! Very, very exciting news, I am happy for you. I think your newest find is very cute.


  33. Now we all want an wire egg holder LOL

    So glad miss Kitty will be in the magazine also

  34. Oooo, I'm doing the happy dance for you, Debbie!! Kudos & Congrats!!!
    I think my friend who lives in a Century home has a subscription to that magazine. I shall tell her all about your upcoming feature & send her this link, too. YAY, YOU!!!

    Love your egg holder, but I don't understand why someone would want to put eggs out on the counter in it. ??? don't eggs always have to be refrigerated??? I bet you're going to do something very pretty for Easter with it, though!!

    1. Thanks so much, Rett! And about the eggs...mine will be for show and even if they do go bad, I won't know unless I crack one! (Voice of experience from old Easter eggs! ) Monet would not, of course, have had refrigeration and, being the copy cat that I am, I am copying Monet! Or maybe Mrs. Monet...although he was a pretty good cook, from what I understand! ...hugs...Debbie

  35. Debbie,
    Wonderful news to share with all of us who follow and love you, dearly!!!
    I am totally excited for you, dear friend!!!
    A Frenchy Christmas in Country Sampler...sounds intriquing!!!
    So~o~o glad Miss Kitty wasn't camera shy and will be included!
    Be sure to remind us...and I'm sure I'll get all excited all over again, too!!!
    Great find on your egg keeper!!!

  36. I've never seen an egg holder like that... it's love! Congrats on your photo shoot, that's one of my favorite magazines and have many years collected (hoarded)! Can't wait to see it!

  37. Congratulations! I can't think of a nicer blogger or more deserving one to get such an honor.

  38. Your french wire egg holder is great. I really like your french canisters!

  39. Debbie,

    Your Xmas decorating was just so gorgeous. It deserved to be in a magazine along with the year before too.
    Love seeing Miss Kitty. Those tuxedo cats are such gregarious little felines.

  40. Debbie, that's exciting news indeed. Congratulations! I'll look forward to this magazine feature for certain.
    Love the egg stand. '-)

  41. Wonderful news...Congratulations. I love your egg holder so much, I hopped onto Etsy and found something similar. Yours is much nicer though. The openings of the ETsy one is so big an egg will slip right through Maybe eggs were larger in days gone by!

    Great post!


  42. Congratulations on a well-deserved honor!! I am a faithful reader of your blog, as well as a fellow retired French teacher, and I always look forward to treating myself to some time spent with you and your adventures. Love everything about your blog and will be looking forward to the magazine!

  43. Woo-hoo! Congratulations on the CS feature- that's awesome news! And nice find on the egg holder!

  44. I just knew! :) Congrats! So well deserved! ...and I love your wire egg holder!

  45. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you. That is HUGE! Can't wait to see you in the magazine!!!

  46. Congratulations, that is AWESOME!!!!!! I invite you to share at my Thursday hop xo


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie