
14 December, 2015

Please Join Me for The Scoop #201

Hi everyone! Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy holiday to join us here at The Scoop! We had so many wonderful links last week and tons of inspiration for those of us who, like me, are still decking the halls! I'm putting on the finishing touches so I am looking forward to seeing what you have to share this week!

As for me, I'm sharing a fun little project that is so easy even the kiddos can PEEPS CHRISTMAS CANDLES! They only take a few minutes to create and add a big helping of whimsy to your decorations! And perhaps best of can eat the leftover supplies! ;-)

And if you are looking for more ideas for Christmas candles, I have compiled all of my favorites into one post with 10 EASY IDEAS FOR CHRISTMAS CANDLES. There's a little bit of everything from dough bowls to candle wraps so please head on over and check it out!

And don't forget to check out my time-saving tips for busy families during the holidays and leave a comment for a chance to win a $100 VISA gift card from Marie Callender's. You can enter HERE.

And now...I can't wait to see what you have to share, so let's get on with the party!

Welcome back to The Scoop!
The weekly party featuring the scoop on the best from around the web!
We are 
Yvonne from StoneGable
and Suzy from Worthing Court 
This week's host is Yvonne from StoneGable
Picture for the scoop - Copy
Hello Scoop friends! You are in for such a treat this week. We have had so many GORGEOUS holiday posts lately that my mind can't take in all the amazing ideas and creativity! A big, big thank you to everyone who worked so hard to bring us these amazing posts! I can only imagine that this week will be just as spectacular!  I could not decide which entries I wanted to feature.... there were way too many!!! So I took one post from each page of our linky party! Oh, I can't wait to see what you have for us this week!

But before I show them to you I want to share a couple of post I've done to get you in the Christmas spirit!

Let's start with the ALL IS MERRY AND BRIGHT GUEST ROOMS TOUR. Stop on over and see two of my guest rooms ready for Christmas!


Have you seen my ALL THROUGH THE HOUSE CHRISTMAS KITCHEN TOUR? I hope your will check that out too!


Okay, here are the features for this week....

This GORGEOUS CHRISTMAS ENTRY from Lynda at Gates Of Crystal is a must see! Sigh worthy!


Barbara from Rosemary Lane is sharing her CHRISTMAS MANTEL. It is so beautiful!

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The FARMHOUSE CHRISTMAS PORCH from Little Farmstead is just adorable. Julie, I'm stealing the ladder with the mason jar candle idea! So smart!


SNOWMAN GIFT JARS from Michele at The Scrap Shoppe stole my heart. Aren't these the cutest? Very clever. LOVE them!


You will want to see Heather's BABY IT'S COLD OUTSIDE HOLIDAY HOME TOUR at THE HEATHERED NEST. Oh my goodness!


And now...I can't wait to see what you have to share this week, so let's get on with the party!

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  1. Oh my much inspiration! I love it! Thanks for hosting!

  2. Hello sweet lady! I appreciate you hosting each week, thank you! Please stop by our party that until Friday @7. We love to party with you and we pin and tweet everything! Happy Holidays! Lou Lou Girls

  3. With so many things to do right about now it's very nice of you to host. Thank you!

  4. Thanks for hosting, Debbie. Merry Christmas!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie