
03 March, 2013

Fun with Découpage Easter Eggs

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT Fun with Easter EggsNow that March has arrived and Easter is only a few short weeks away, I thought you might like a few ideas for decorating Easter eggs with découpage! Sooo…I have several découpage methods to show you that will give you different results!

052_thumb[9] My assistant today is the lovely Miss Kitty who suggests that you try her favorite method first. We fell in love with some Easter eggs that we saw at Pottery Barn and decided to copy them…no surprise if you already know me and know that I am a big…euh…copy-cat! (Sorry, Kitty!)

069_thumb[6]This method simply involves starting out with pretty pastel eggs and just adding the lettering. You will find a detailed tutorial including the graphics needed to create the letters on this post…Pottery Barn Inspired Easter Eggs. I love the way these turned out!

058_thumb[9] Another method is to cover inexpensive plastic eggs with little strips of paper…in this case, sheet music! If you have never découpaged before, this method is also simple and easy. And I love the vintage look! I have a few tips for you on how to keep those strips looking smooth and relatively wrinkle-free on this post…French Découpage Eggs.

103_thumb[5]I used the same method for these eggs, using small cut-outs of the pattern on a pretty spring paper napkin to create these eggs. To make things even easier, I spray-painted the plastic eggs a cream color first so that if any of the background shows, it won’t matter.

154_thumb[6] This method is a little more difficult and would probably be easier for you if you already have some découpage experience. For these eggs, I used one image from the same pretty spring paper napkin to cover the entire egg rather than lots of little strips. You can get a detailed tutorial on this post…Botanical Découpage Eggs.

002_thumb[6]And for this egg, I used a single image of Notre Dame cathedral from some wrapping paper that I found at Hobby Lobby. (When I checked yesterday, it was still available.) Once again, I used the same method as for the botanical eggs.  I really love this one…it may even be my favorite!

page Whatever method you choose, I think you will have fun découpaging and love the result! I know I do! And I have to confess…taking some liberties with a quote from Apocalypse Now…I love the smell of Mod Podge in the morning! lol

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed a little peek at my découpage Easter eggs! Please visit these wonderful bloggers and their beautiful blogs to see what they are up to and to find a list of this week’s participants!
Under the Table and Dreaming for the Sunday Showcase Party
Thrifty Decor Chick for Before and After Monday

Boogieboard Cottage for Masterpiece Monday
Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday

The Stories of A2Z for Tutorials and Tips Tuesday
Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

A Stroll thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday
Cedar Hill Ranch for Cowgirl Up! on Tuesdays

My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia for Tuesday's Treasures

Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays
DIY by Design for Winter Blues Wednesday

The Shabby Creek Cottage for Transformation Thursdays
No Minimalist Here for the Open House Party on Thursdays

Stone Gable for Tutorials, Tips and Tidbits on Thursdays

My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday
French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday

Common Ground for Be Inspired on Fridays
The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday

Craftberry Bush for the Inspiration Gallery on Friday
Funky Junk Interiors for Saturday Nite Special

French Country Cottage for the Six Days of Spring Party
French Country Cottage for It's a Spring Thing Linky Party
See you next time! À la prochaine!

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  1. Love the French decoupage! I put my Easter decorations out last week just to brighten up the house given all the grey weather we've been having. Happy day to you!

  2. I want to try the napkin eggs. They are just beautiful, Debbie.

  3. The flowered eggs are gorgeous. I love Easter and all that it brings. "Mornin, Miss Kitty."

  4. All of these are beautiful. Love the one with the sheet music. I have got to try this ;-)

  5. So pretty! Now I have to give it a try!

  6. Debbie, what a wonderful collection for decorating Easter eggs. I love all of these but I love the egg decorated with the cathedral! I hop HL has some of that paper left. I had a good chuckle with your last comment!
    Thanks for all these instructions in plenty of time for Easter.

    The French Hutch

  7. Debbie, they are all so cute. You definitely have become the decoupage queen. Hugs, Marty

  8. Debbie,
    Love, LOVE, L O V E your Easter Eggs...
    Miss Copy~Cat, indeed. . .but where would we be without your encouragement and inspiration???
    The Mod Podge ones are so exquisite!!!
    A Pen~Pal made me three similar ones years ago! Every year I find a special place to display them, here on the Prairie!!!
    EnJOYed seeing Miss Kitty today! She's such a princess!!!

  9. You always show us so many possibilities that are doable, love it!
    xo Kathysue

  10. These are great! I have a few egg project son my list of want to dos. Happy Sunday!

  11. You are so good about creating holiday touches and teaching us how to do the same. Each method offers beautiful results. Thanks for sharing.........Sarah

  12. Je viens de découvrir votre blog grâce à ma fille bloggueuse de The little white house on the sea side. J'ai beaucoup aimé vos oeufs de pâques, ils sont vraiment très originaux... j'ai bien aimé "Notre Dame" bien sûr !

  13. I love your eggs, but above all the picture with the cat in the middle of the Easter eggs!

  14. They are all so pretty and so different! I need to get some Mod Podge and do this! You are always inspiring Deb!

    hugs, Linda

  15. Miss Kitty is so lovely and so are all your adorable easter eggs! I love all the easter decorations I see all over blogland now! Yours are so fun and charming!

  16. Hi,
    You are amazing. I say that every time I visit your blog. I love your sense of humor and your assistant is precious... Love the eggs and I can't choose my favorite. Thanks for sharing your copy-cat ideas. Why reinvent the wheel! Great job.

  17. Debbie, this is just gorgeous. I love the musical notes, but the flowers a lovely too. I can see myself going to the extreme.

  18. Brilliant! Must hoard this ideas for Easter, they're lovely! Got my eye on your next posts.

  19. I love your pretty flowered eggs Debbie! Have a fun week:@)

  20. These turned out great! I love how you can change up the feeling by what you choose to decoupage on. Happy Monday from the enchanted oven.

  21. What a great collection of ideas! I love decoupage because it's so easy and inexpensive!

  22. Well first of all, your cat is certainly more talented than any cat I ever knew! ;) But all these eggs are inspiring ideas! I always forget to think about working with plastic eggs... and when I think of the work to blow real eggs, I quickly talk myself out of it... great tip. I'm pinning this. Little Bit from

  23. These are adorable, I love them! I'll be copy-catting them too, how can I not?
    Debbie :)

  24. Love these! Hope you can link up at my trendy tuesday party!!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie