
27 May, 2013

Finding French Farmhouse a Farm Supply Store!

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT French Farmhouse Style...from Tractor SupplyI have found a new place to shop for French farmhouse style decor…and you are not going to believe where it is…Tractor Supply Company! Yep…you read that right! I have been thinking about heading over for several months now…thinking that at the very least I would find a nice variety of galvanized items at a reasonable price. But I was not prepared for all that I did see!

Vintage Style Milk Bottle CarrierDid you know that there is a little decor section? Yep…there is! And the first thing I spotted was this wonderful vintage-style milk bottle carrier…for under $20! Woo hoo! That’s at least $5.00 less than the cheapest I have seen and, for me…no shipping to pay! There was also a great wooden box with a handle that tempted me, but this one won!

Galvanized Bucket And I just fell in love with this great galvanized bucket…in an unusual low profile shape. Love it!  And the price…wait for it!…under $6.00! Whaaat? There are also several other sizes as well…from smaller to larger.

Mercury Glass Solar Mason Jar I was excited to find this mercury glass solar Mason jar light for my patio! I can’t wait to see how it looks tonight!

Hummingbird FeederI saw my first hummingbird today at my French lavender and I knew it was time to put the feeder out…but alas, mine was less than beautiful. So I was pleased to see this pretty one with an unusual vintage iron finish. I hope the hummingbirds like it as much as I do!

Jute Twine And finally…some of you may not be too impressed by this, but I snatched it right up…520 feet of jute twine for only $3.19! Woo hoo! I go through a bunch of that stuff! I only wish I had brought my camera! There was so much more…bushel baskets, great egg cartons, canning jars, beautiful plants, really cute little toy farm animals, children’s watering cans, cat toys…I could go on and on!

Ozzie Wait…Ozzie says…Cat toys? Sooowhy didn’t you bring some home for us? Silly kitty! She knows we grow our own catnip and make our own toys! And just in case you are thinking my window is dirty…

Spider WebWell…maybe it is! But you can also see the remnants of this…a fabulous web that the spider spins again each night. Here’s how it looks through the window first thing in the morning…covered with dew. Pretty, isn’t it?

CONFESSIONS OF A PLATE ADDICT French Farmhouse Style...from Tractor Supply And here is a final look at my frenchy farmhouse finds! Aren’t they amazing? I'll be showing you more of how I used them later. And can you believe where they came from? I will definitely be going back…and they are not even paying me to say that!

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed having a little peek at my frenchy farmhouse finds! Please visit these wonderful bloggers and their beautiful blogs to see what they are up to and to find a list of this week’s participants!
Under the Table and Dreaming for the Sunday Showcase Party , Thrifty Decor Chick for Before and After Monday , Boogieboard Cottage for Masterpiece Monday , Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday , The Stories of A2Z for Tutorials and Tips Tuesday , Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday , A Stroll thru Life for Inspire Me Tuesday , Cedar Hill Ranch for The Scoop on Tuesdays , My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia for Tuesday's Treasures, The Everyday Home for Home{work} Wednesday  , Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesdays , DIY by Design for Swing into Spring , The Shabby Creek Cottage for Transformation Thursdays , No Minimalist Here for the Open House Party on Thursdays , Stone Gable for Tutorials, Tips and Tidbits on Thursdays , My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday , French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday , Common Ground for Be Inspired on Fridays , The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday , Craftberry Bush for the Inspiration Gallery on Friday , Funky Junk Interiors for Saturday Nite Special
See you next time! À la prochaine!
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  1. Okay if I were looking for a "tractor" store where would I find one over here in Kennesaw??'s an actual tractor store or is it run by the same people that operate those "Goodwill" stores where you find all that outstanding stuff.... :)

    1. Sue...that is the name of the store...Tractor Supply Company! :-)

  2. Oh I love all of it especially the humingbird feeder, it is fabulous. Can't wait to see what you do with everything. Thanks also for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  3. Debbie you find the most amazing things and now at a Tractor store!! Awesome! I pass one on my way to Athens all the time, just might have to make stop sometime soon!!! I love the milk bottle carrier and that is a great price! I would buy the twine and the bucket and the hummingbird feeder....did I miss anything? Oh yes, the light!


  4. wow, whoda thunkit? looks like great stuff!

  5. All this goodness found at Tractor Supply Store??!! I guess I had better drag myself to one and pretty soon.
    Thanks for sharing your haul :-)
    Hugs, Gee

  6. Wow Deb loving the solar mercury glass jar light!!
    Great finds and even better pricing!
    Happy Memorial Day,

  7. We have Tractor Supply and Orscheln, plus a Co-op, here in stores galore in farming country. I am going exploring. I knew Bass Pro was a veritable treasure trove, but never thought of the farm stores and we are in one or the other of these places quite a bit.

  8. What a great post. I love to check in on your blog to see what's up! I have a Tractor Supply store and I will going over soon.
    Betty @ My Cozy Corner

  9. I LOVE TSC!! Was just there this past week to buy Blue Buffalo (best dogfood for your dog!!). Cheaper here than anywhere else.
    Bought a huge galvanized watering can while I was there. LOVE it!
    Didn't know they had a decor asile--will investigate this week. I
    'm kind of hooked on galvanized----ANYTHING!!!
    Got the idea to put my Christmas tree in a huge galvanized low profile bin/ bucket. The only place I could find one was TSC!!
    Yeahh!!! Great minds think alike.

  10. Yes we have a TSC Store in our area. Must look more closely when we go in.
    Great finds!!

  11. You racked up and then some!

  12. Cool finds and next time hubby goes I better tag along.

  13. Guess where I am stopping tomorrow? TSC is literally 2 minutes from here! J

  14. Fabulous stuff!!! I've known about TSC for a long time but haven't visited lately. Thanks for the reminder :)

  15. Okay, I'm going to Tractor Supply soon! I had no idea there was so much fun stuff there. Thanks for the inspiration!

  16. Deb - ours opened up right before the holidays and that is when I discovered this little gym of a place. Their galvanized container collection is wonderful and you can't beat the prices. Its so funny that we can find treasures anywhere we go huh? :) xxoo

  17. Oh my gosh. Great pieces, and the jute, I can't believe it.

  18. Fun finds, Debbie. We have a feed supply store that has other fun things.

  19. Love TSC, They do have great finds and I love it when things go on got some great finds... Have a great week!

  20. Debbie, I love your new finds and I will be adding The Tractor Store to my shopping list. I want several of the mercury glass lights!

  21. Oh my goodness, who knew? Thank you for sharing your wonderful finds. That is great! Blessings, Patti

  22. Well holy moly -- here I am not far from NYC, and there's a Tractor Supply just 12 miles from me. Who knew? Now I do, because of YOU.
    What great stuff, and great prices.
    Time for a field trip.
    LOVE galvanized stuff. Reminds me of my childhood, back in dinosaur days.

  23. What great finds. Love everything and would never have thought of this place either. Leave it to you to find this out!Cynthia

  24. I love this post. I work in a building right next door to a tractor supply store. I know where I'm going to be spending my lunch break tomorrow! Thanks for all the great ideas! ~ Angie

  25. Who would have thought! Love all your finds and bargains!

  26. Heading out to Tractor Supply very soon. I love those Mason jar lights. I want some for my back yard!

  27. I will definitely be pulling into my TSC store tomorrow! I am bubbling with anticipation!

  28. Debbie,
    We have Atwoods here that coarries some similar items!!!
    On my Christmas Wish List was a ball of twine...I must have been very good this year!
    Now, those solar mercury glass jars, I haven't seen.
    Guess it's time to make a trip to Atwoods this week!!!
    Thanks for the tip of Farmhouse Frenchy decor!!!

  29. This is so funny, we stopped in at a TSC today while coming back from an out of town trip. I noticed the wooden crates, but didn't see any of those gorgeous milk carriers. How cool, I may need to find one locally now. Oh, I did buy a small roll of chicken wire for some projects- I've been wanting to get some, but not in the huge rolls most places sell.

  30. Loving all of your finds...they are great! Would love it if you came by and shared it at One More Time Events...
    Been following for a long time you really do have wonderful ideas.

  31. Great finds! I've got to get me a bottle carrier. I am loving all the galvanized goodies

  32. A Tractor Store???? I would never have thought to check it I will be on the hunt! I am sure in IL, there has to be at least one. Thanks for the info. Your finds are great! I can see them all painted too! Love your Frenchy finds!
    Blessings My Friend,

  33. Wow! I had no idea they sold stuff like this. I didn't even know we had those here. I just looked it up and yes, we have several. Thanks for the heads up.

  34. What!?! That's a steal for the jute and I love all the other items you picked up. Thanks for sharing and I will definitely be hitting up the local tractor supply store :)

  35. Gotta go!!! We have several near us, and I have never stopped in! That's about to change. Love the bottle carrier!!

  36. I once did a blog post about shopping The Tractor Store vs. Macy's. :) I love the Tractor Store. I go there often and just peruse the aisle looking for the unusual. Love their magazines and my favorite zinc bird feeder came from there. Have a sweet week.

  37. Great finds! I've been wanting to go there for ages and have never made the time. You've inspired me to go! :)

  38. All Righty then.....TSC juuuusssst happens to be on my way home....and lunch time is about an hour from now :^)
    Thank you for the heads up!! Now if mine looks as good as yours, Princess Posie cat will even be impressed!

  39. Fantastic finds! Just like everyone else, I'll be heading to the nearest Tractor Supply Store ASAP. I think the Tractor Supply Stores across America are going to see an upswing in their sales this week. :) LOL I hope I can find some of those solar powered mercury glass canning jars.


  40. I've also found some great deals and things at Tractor Supply!! We get pet bedding there cheap - so I have bought most of my galvanized buckets there. I have also bought straw in different size bails for fall. You found some cute things! I love that mason jar mercury glass!

  41. We have a tractor store and I will check it out. I want a galvanized scoop for charcoal. My husband uses lump charcoal and keeps it in a galvanized trash can. I spray painted it black though to be less obvious along side our black patio furniture.

    You find the best deals. Thank you for sharing.

  42. We have a local Tractor Supply Co. and I've never been, but I'm sooo going tomorrow ;) Thanks for sharing!!


  43. Debbie - Love your finds. I always stake out our local Tractor Supply - My husband hasn't caught on yet to the fact that that I can find home decor there :) Just had to let you know I found that same solar lantern at Home Depot. I saw them in the weekly ad a few weeks ago and had to take peek at them in the store. I am sure by now you have seen it in the dark - isn't it gorgeous? I definitely want to go back for more! Thanks so much for linking - It's greatly appreciated. Stephanie Lynn

  44. I don't think they have a Tractor Supply Co here in So CA., but I am going to check it out. Great finds - love all of them.
    Have a terrific weekend.

  45. I can see that all the local tractor supply stores are going to have a run of BLOGGERS in their stores now!!! And I will be one of them. We have a store nearby so I am going!!! Thanks so much for the inspiration. XO, Pinky

  46. Debbie, so amazing that you found these cute items there. What a deal on the jute yarn! Love seeing your sweet kitties...missing Max soooo much.

  47. this post was far most my favorite. we have a tss about a mile from us. walmart is up the street. sure hope i am not to late
    on finding some of these items.

  48. I love the Tractor Supply. I haven't been there in awhile, but I think a trip there is going to happen soon after seeing all of your wonderful finds. I can't wait to see what you do with them!

  49. This was a great post!! I think your humming bird feeder is just too cute!! Boy did you score!!!

  50. Thanks for sharing your finds. I know farm supply stores are great places to shop. There are none in my area, so I miss out on this. Blessings

  51. I think the tractor store is a GREAT idea! One can find some simple pieces sometimes in a plant/garden store for sure too. I loved the idea of putting the candles in the bottle carrier. I WILL steal that idea - thanks!

  52. Love it! Just added a trip to my calendar for the week.


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie