
15 August, 2012

Through a Bug's Eyes

IMG_7198 Can you identify this object? Is it the starship Enterprise, traveling at warp speed through the outer reaches of the universe, boldly going where no man has gone before? lol No? But you have to admit that it does look like it!! Perhaps the fact that I am joining Susan at A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday will give you a hint!

IMG_7201 It is actually the inner workings of one of my purple wave petunias taken in digital macro! It was a very sunny morning, thus the light streaming in from behind in the first shot. Isn’t it amazing?? I am definitely exploring strange new worlds!

IMG_7098 So I don’t guess that there’s any way I can convince you that this is some kind of alien space craft that has soft landed on the surface of a strange new purple planet?? No? lol It’s actually some sort of very fat moth/butterfly that was visiting my petunias! Isn’t it a beauty?? Do you see the insides of the petunia just beyond its head?

IMG_7219 And I don’t guess you will believe me when I tell you that this is a rare new breed of man-eating orchid that has recently been discovered in the deepest, darkest jungles of Africa? Hmmmm…I didn’t think so.

IMG_7205 Does this view help? I’ll give you a hint! Those of you who are cat fanciers and grow your own will know exactly what it is!!

IMG_7129It’s catnip in bloom! And here is Baby Kitty checking it out to see if it’s ready. Judging by the look on his face, I would say that it is! My staff loves to chew on this stuff!

Outdoor_Wednesday_logo_thumb[1] Thanks for dropping by and playing my guessing game! I hope you enjoyed it! Please be sure to drop by Susan’s beautiful blog to see some wonderful outdoor shots and find out who else is playing along! I’ll see you next time! A la prochaine!


  1. Deb, what awesome pictures, you must have a really good camera. Have you taken photography classes or taught yourself?

  2. Amazing photos! I'll look at catnip a whole new way now! Need to plant some for my girl :)

  3. Gorgeous photos--I like the fat moth! I can't keep catnip alive in my garden--every cat in the neighborhood thinks our garden is for them, and they love it to death before it ever gets a chance to grow big enough to survive their attacks! I have catmint, thought, and they all seem to like that as much.

  4. Amazing shots, Debbie. Is this a special lens? No on a point and shoot camera, right?

  5. Adoro le macro!!! Bellissime!
    kiss Lieta

  6. Debbie,
    Ah~h~h...a perfect co~hostess, Baby Kitty, taking his "Q" to lick the catnip!!! Your photograpy is exquisite!!!

  7. i love macro shots...these are amazing.
    hugs, Linda


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie