
01 August, 2012

A Fairy Ring

mush3It has been years since I have seen one of these…an almost perfect fairy ring! To my neighbors’ delight, this ring of toadstools sprouted in their garden…evidence that fairies were dancing in a magical circle on their lawn last night! Did I happen to witness the moonlight ball? Sadly, no. I was a sleepyhead and missed the festivities!

mush5But I know there was much whirling and twirling with gossamer gowns glistening and filmy wings shimmering in the moonlight!

IMG_7583 Then just before dawn, the fairy promenade meandered merrily two by two toward my dewy lawn…

IMG_7552 …leaving me one tiny parasol as a parting remembrance! Sigh!

IMG_7603I am waiting, dear little fairies! Please hurry back and visit my garden tonight!

Outdoor_Wednesday_logo_thumb[1] Then head on over to visit our own Georgia girl, Susan at A Southern Daydreamer to see some wonderful scenery for Outdoor Wednesday! I’ll see you next time! A la prochaine!


  1. Very Cool! Thanks for sharing this with us, I've never seen so many mushrooms before!

  2. I love spotting fairy rings. This is magical, indeed! Best post this week in blog-land.

  3. I remember when you shared a fairy ring that you woke up to a few years ago. Magical. They must love your garden! No fairy ring here, but they did leave a tiny little forrest on my door mat last week. ;-)

  4. Oh please tell me what you do to attract the fairies to your neighborhood. I wold just love to wake up to their magical fairy ring and know they've spent an evening with me. What great photographs and I love this post!
    Have a magical day………

    The French Hutch

  5. This doesn't happen in the desert! Fascinating! You got fantastic pictures. I'm completely enchanted!

  6. What fabulous photos! Love the 'Fairy Ring' and the stroll down your yard also. Hugs, Linda

  7. Oh, yes, I do BELIEVE. In Houston, Tx a few weeks ago, we got a lot of rain...around the corner from my house was a perfect Fairy I drove by I made comment to myself "there was a grand party by the Fairies last night" - we had a lot of very big mushrooms in our back yard but not a Fairy Ring. Thanks for sharing this delightful piece.
    Judy - Texas

  8. The moon was full and beautiful last night! Your pictures are fabulous!

  9. My gosh- I have not seen a fairy ring in years and years and years! I think with all the lawn sprays,etc, today that they have virtually disappeared in most places. That is some magic your neighbors are working there- xo Diana

  10. What wonderful mushrooms in the garden! I love the curving beds and all the beautiful pictures.

  11. That is so neat! I've often heard and read about fairy rings, but never have seen one. If you see them, shoosh them over to my house. I'd love to have them dance in my yard.

  12. Absolutely the most delightful sight ever! Thanks for sharing!!!!

  13. Wow! Green grass! I almost didn't recognize it! :-) This drought is making me nuts!!!!!!!!

  14. What a precious post. I clung to every fairyspun word! Thank you!

  15. I've never seen them in such a perfect circle. How cool is that?

  16. Debbie,
    I could almost hear their little flutes as they swayed and twirled amongst the dew drops of the grass! This is precious!

  17. Hi Debbie,
    What a sight! I love fairies!IMAGINE waking up to find this ring on your lawn! Enchanting! Thanks for sharing.


  18. This is amazing. I've never seen anything like it!

  19. Wow! I've never seen such magical mushrooms before! And beautiful photography.



Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie