
25 April, 2010

Crazy For Clay!

IMG_1531 Is it me or do things in the thrift stores run in cycles? My Goodwill hunting buddy, Linda at Nina’s Nest and I were discussing this last week and wondered why we see patterns in what is available…do you? This week I found several wonderful terra cotta items dating from the early 80s. Good…because I missed out on them the first time around. I was too busy making bottles and changing diapers to notice! lol

page1 All of my finds this week end in…topf (German for pot)a wine cooler from Romertopf ($2.92), a clay cooker and a wine carafe ($1.51) from Gourmet Topf and a glazed cooker from Schlemmertopf for $3.53…my best deal! I did some checking around and discovered that this one sells for about $40 new! Most of them will be just for decor, but I am planning to actually use the glazed cooker, since the bottom can go in the dishwasher!

page The prettiest is the Gourmet Topf cooker, with its assortment of raised vegetables on the lid. I was standing in the GW giving it the once over when I felt an arm reaching around me to grab it! Whaaat?? I picked up that baby faster than greased lightning and put it in my cart. GW lesson number one…always pick up anything that you think you are even mildly interested in or you can kiss it goodbye! It was marked $9.99, but I got it for $7.50 because it was senior citizens day. That’s one advantage of being 55 or older! lol Gourmet Topf doesn't seem to exist as a company any more..too bad!

IMG_1559 Baby Kitty would like to show your our next terra cotta finds…

IMG_1560 …a wonderful faux olive tree complete with little faux olives and this rooster planter…both from the grand opening of my new GW back in January. I never could decide what to do with either one of them. The pot for the olive tree is too small for it and it falls constantly. Besides, there is a misspelled French word on it and we French teachers can’t have that! lol It’s herbes (not herbs) de Provence!

page3 Sooo…I put the little pot in the big pot, steadied it with newspaper and topped it off with corks! I like it! And just in case you are wondering…no, I did not drink all that wine! lol You can buy boxes of 42 corks in the vase section at Target for about $5.00…waaay cheaper than 42 bottles of wine! Now the question is…will the staff leave them alone or will they wind up all over the house?

IMG_1585 What did I do with my new finds? I put them on the bottom shelf of my wine rack…an area that I have never been able to decorate to my satisfaction until now! I added them to the GW wine storage basket with the vintage tag I made several months ago. What do you think?

page5On a little side note, I was downloading my photos when I noticed a  plastic bag attached to the underside of the wine rack. Funny. I had never noticed it before. It contained a note of apology from Rooms to Go. I had sent the rack back because there were no holes drilled for the drawer pulls…nine years ago! lol  Thanks, Rooms to Go!

IMG_1574 And finally, here’s a last  look at my breakfast area…just in case you haven’t met your minimum daily requirement for blue and yellow decor, roosters  and/or plates! As my main man Charles Faudree says…Too much is never enough! lol

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Please visit these wonderful ladies and their beautiful blogs to see what they are up to and to find a list of this week’s participants!
Mary at Little Red House for Mosaic Monday
Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday
Rhoda at Southern Hospitality for Today’s Thrifty Treasures
Marty at A Stroll Thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday
Linda at Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday
See you next time! A la prochaine!


  1. Well here I am again with my coffee checking out Deb's blog. Oh, love it again. I just want to take my coffee and sit in your breakfast area. It is gorgeous. It would be even lovelier if Baby Kitty joined us. I love clay pots and have quite a few. I have the roaster but I use it for something that no one else would think of....cookie cutters. Weird? Yes. It sits atop by baking stove.
    Thanks again for adding excitement to my Sunday morning coffee. Look forward to next week. Have a great one, Deb.

  2. I want to shop your Goodwill, Debbie! I've never found anything nearly as nice as the things you find!

    Love that clay and I also love the little olive tree in the pot with the corks!

  3. What wonderful finds and they are so perfect for your hutch. I use to have one of those clay cookers, I have no idea what I ever did with it, but a roasted chicken in one is wonderful. They look perfect on the shelf. I also really like the idea of topping the plant with the corks too, so clever. It looks perfect in it's new rooster pot. I love your home, you decorate it so beautifully. Hope you have a super day. Hugs, Marty

  4. Wonderful finds. You keep making me go back to GW for that just in case I find the perfect item. Good use of wine corks. Still loving the music on your blog.

  5. lucky are right...if you see something you better get it or your out of look..

  6. Gorgeous! Great finds. I have two Schlemmertopf and there is nothing better than roast chicken in the topf. Delicious!!! Hmmm, I am going to dig mine out for dinner tonight, thanks for sharing.

  7. Wow! Those are terrific finds and I love the senior citizen's discount factor!

    I have to tell my husband about your use of cork. He will not let me throw one away always saying that he is going to make something with them. A few years back at the flower show I saw the cutest floor mat made from bottle corks but somehow I don't see dear husband making anything so creative. Your idea is the perfect solution.

  8. Hi Debbie,
    I never will get enough of my daily requirement of blue and yellow! I love your breakfast room. It just speaks to me!
    Great finds, I guess i missed that clay period too and I think I need some. You and Linda must have a blast shopping together. Your GW's are very good.
    Have a great week too,

  9. You did great, as usual. I LOVE the wine corks as filler. That is too cute. I'm glad you set us straight so we all know you aren't a wino. ;) ;)

  10. You have great collection of Terra cotta now, what great pieces! The rooster pot is awesome!
    I'll never have my fill of blue and yellow visions
    of loviness!

    I have never posted from my iPhone, we are out of town and did not bring my computer. Had a bad case of blog withdrawal, iPhone saved me!

    Have a great day.

  11. Great post! Things do come around. My mother-in-law had a glazed cooker in the 80s. At my son's house recently I noticed that he now had it. How did that happen? Some things got distributed without me knowing (lots of things, I think!!!).
    Hope you are enjoying your weekend. Sally

  12. Fabulous! I have a canister full of corks (and I didn't drink it either says the woman with her fingers crossed behind her back- heck, with 6 kids I'm entitled to some wine!)- I think I'll be using that idea! Don't you hate rude people at the thrift shop?? Sometimes I think they all collect there. Great job!
    xoxo Pattie

  13. I love how the clay looks on your wine rack. I love the corks around the top of that guess? YOU WILL find these around the house played with by the staff! I have corks since I have saved them for years! Just love the look of them. Wonder if my daughter ever used the clay baker I gave her from my Mom??

  14. What gorgeous terra cotta. My GW is nothing like yours. I should go back and give it another try.

  15. I love Sunday mornings seeing what you have found at Goodwill. Great finds, once again...I really, really need to make a trip to Georgia...
    I think the faux olive tree in the rooster jar looks like they were made for each other.
    Your wine rack is so pretty with all the blue/white and Quimper.
    You know...Baby Kitty blends in quite well with all your topfs, he could hide amongst them for quite awhile before being detected!
    Have a great week ahead, Debbie.

  16. Let me know the next time you and Linda are going to GW...I am flying in!! LOVE the clay pieces. I checked a little crock I have after you mentioned that herbs was spelled wrong on your pot and sure enough, mine is too and it is from Williams Sonoma!!

    Everything looks great on your wine rack. Who would think Target carries corks? The left side of my brain is not coming up with any creative ideas for them...although you found a great idea. Hope the staff stays away!


  17. Great finds Debbie. I used to have a Romer Topf many many years ago. Didn't use it many times. LOL It was in fashion then. I love love love your dining table. Is it a French Grange table? Very expensive but so beautiful.
    Have a great week.

  18. OK, Debbie, I am beginning to really believe that we have a good GW - is that redundant? Anyway, all the commenters do not know all the times we walk away empty-handed, BUT then there are the SCORES - like your post today. Love it all, but my fav is the wine cooler with the lavender - sigh...Linda

  19. Love your blue and yellow morning room! So cheerful.

  20. Great thrifty shopping, Debbie! You always score some good things. Thanks for playing this week.

  21. Love your GW finds AND your pretty breakfast room. You're getting the best of deals -- I've got a birthday in June ---- hum ---- wondering if our GW gives discounts for 55 -- I'll be excited!

  22. LOL! I'm betting there are already a few wine corks missing from the tree, if not all 42 of them! My cat would love batting those around all day. Love that pot!

  23. Love it! Especially the fact that you can by corks at Target! Off to Target!

  24. Your breakfast area is so charming. I love your finds. I bought a little terra cotta pot this week for 50 cents at a yard sale. I am planning to paint it white though.

  25. And I do love Charles Faudree and certainly agree with him. I love that rooster pot and love what you did with the corks in it. Glad to find out about the corks at Target. I have been seeing some for sale in a big bag at Queen Of Hearts for $20. Glad I didn't buy them. Those terra cotta pots sure were some good bargains.

  26. Wowwww! Love, love, lovedddd all your pictures and your mosaics!

  27. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this whole area, Deb!!! I want to get out a can of paint & go buy all new fabrics & TOTALLY redo my entire kitchen after seeing how lovely this looks!
    Great mosaics, too.
    I've been saving corks to make into hot mat trivets & yes, we DO drink the wine first. LOL

    Your kitties are so cute & I love how they pose for you. ~~pat-pat~~"Nice Kitty"

  28. Debbie, I know I say this all the time, but you do find the BEST things at GW. Love the new home for the olive tree. The rooster crock is a perfect fit!
    Your breakfast room is charming. I love the way you use the wine holders for rolled up placemats. Great idea!
    Have a terrific week. ~ Hugs, Sarah

  29. Great finds. I love terra cotta! and the corks are such a great idea, looks great!

  30. Your solution for the faux olive tree in the rooster jardinere worked beautifully! The yellow and blue decor is charming.


  31. What fun love all of your finds.. 42 bottles of cheap wine could be more fun than buying corks, try it ..
    hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  32. Love everything you show on this post! What a great solution for the olive tree. I love your breakfast inviting.

    Have a great week!


  33. Hey, Charles Faudree is MY main man! Don't you just love him? Your new pieces look wonderful and I love the clay pots. The breakfast room is so charming done in my favorite colors!

  34. awesome finds there! And Baby Kitty is just adorable!

  35. Oh, goodness .. I loved this post! Such wonderful treasure at GW (I'm going to go shopping with you!!!). Love that rooster pot and your precious kitties.

  36. Gorgeous project Debbie and what a find at GW! Wow! Haven't been "stuff" shopping in months! I so miss it!

    Enjoy your new finds and decor!

  37. Hey girlfriend! I'm catching up on blog reading tonight. Just got done visiting Claudie's posts since she got back from the states. Wow, did she and Julie have a great trip...and our pics from the day you spent with us were a hoot. :) Hey, I'm lovin all this terra cotta you posted about. I cook often with mine and have recipes for them if you want any. Seriously, I do! :) Guess what, we got another set of wheels! YES, we did. Johnny turned 50 and he got a 2000 BMW Z3 convertible, royal blue with Black top. So...I now have the Jetta back...and hopefully we can meet for coffee & GW after I get off work some day soon. This week is spent already, but maybe a day the following week if you are available. We went junking this weekend and found some great treasures. Hugs friend~ ~CC PS: I love "ALL" your yellow & blue! :) Never too much for moi! :)

  38. Hi Debbie! Hi Baby Kitty! Oh, I love all your clays! What bargains you got too! I love seeing your gorgeous dining room with all of your blues and yellows!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  39. Wow, this is the first time I am discovering your blog - your room is gorgeous! Love the blue and yellow theme! Absolutely LOVE the valances and I saw a "peek" of a matching wallpaper on the bottom in the corner of one of the pics. So lovely! I will have to check out your older blogs.
    Best regards,

  40. I LOVE Your clay items and LOVE LOVE LOVE your creative way of working that olive plant into the French planter and then adding the wine corks! FABULOUS!
    Your whole breakfast area looks amazing as always!
    Blessings, Lana

  41. What great finds! Especially love what you did with the olive tree and planter with wine corks! Your breakfast nook is charming!

  42. I was interested in your finds. I don't know where you find such good prices on things. I was more interested in your bakers rack and the way you decorated it. I have one in my kitchen with plants on it only but I loved your vignettes of dishes. I would love to do that on mine. Valerie

  43. Your blue and yellow always make me want my other kitchen back (from my previous house). You have it pulled together so well! I think I have some of that clay somewhere -- I need to go on a treasure hunt! Your GW definitely is better sourced than ours.

    I like doing things with the corks, too, but the difference is, I did drink the wine over the years! ☺☺☺

  44. Debbie, Your finds are great! Love the clay and how they all look on your wine rack shelf. And of course, I love all the yellow/blue in there, too. Too cute an idea w/the corks as "mulch." LOL
    hugs, Sue

  45. Gorgeous finds!! Love those corks in the plant!!

  46. What wonderful finds and prices! Yes, I agree you better grab it! lol Love them all! This is the first time I have saw your breakfast area with the wine rack. I just love it! I love how you potted up the olive tree in the wonderful rooster pot! Enjoyed my visit!

  47. Deb you are an amazing thrifter and blogger. Love this post. I really like your use of the corks, very clever lady. My Mom has one of the chicken clay cookers and she swears by it and says it is the best chicken ever. Fun post and great finds. Happy Monday sweet friend, Kathysue

  48. Ooo la la! Tres chic! Flashes of my high school French come back to me now and then - not always correctly - so forgive me sil vous plait for any grammatical or spelling or just plain old mistakes.

    I love your solution for the olive tree. It looks fantastic. How are the corks doing?

  49. Debbie, You have the best thrifting luck. Loved your big pot idea & I'm going to borrow it! I broke the bottom pot of one of a pair of topiaries & cannot find a PAIR of replacement pots anywhere. I give up - I'll just use one that I have on hand, so thank you for including how you stuffed it to prevent falling.

    (Yep, I'm a very bad blogger & haven't posted since November. I even got a new camera but just have no inspiration for a post. You can find me on Facebook or send me an e-mail. I do check up on you to make sure you're all right. ☺♥☺)

  50. Hi Debbie, the clay pots are perfect there and I really like what you did to the faux olive tree. How clever!...Christine

  51. Great finds! Love the olive tree and your fix too
    Stopping by from NTT.

  52. I can't imagine why I have not visited in a while--my loss because I am inspired every time I come! Love the rooster planter and it is perfect with the olive tree and corks. So glad there was no unpleasant altercation at GW :) Love it!

  53. I couldn't agree more that things seem to run in cycles, or should we say recyclables! I love what you did with the olive tree, rooster pot and corks. That is sooo creative and looks so good together and with your crockery too! Fantastic!

  54. That is what I call a score Debbie!~ I found my corks at Walmart...they have a bag for 3.99. Your dining area with all the blues, looks fantastic!

  55. I think I need to shop your GW...great treasures! Happy NTT!


    Thanks for telling us about the corks at TARGET!

  56. It would take way more than that to full my daily minimum requirement for blue and yellow!
    Great finds - lovely pictures.

  57. I love your blue & yellow breakfast nook! So cheery and would be a great motivater to get out of bed in the morning to know you can sit there with a cup of coffee! :) I love your GW treasures!
    Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine

  58. I sorta remember those clay cooking pots! Great finds and I love what you did with the olive tree!


  59. Debbie,
    I love your blog. I was just at Marty's and wanted to check out things here.
    Good Job!!!

  60. I LOVE the faux olive plant in the gorgeous rooster planter!!! Love that you added the corks also--great idea. Your breakfast room is perfectly French Country-fied! Love it! Tell those kitties to stay out of the planter!

  61. Love your french country and all the items you have displayed.. simply stunning~!


  62. Wow! Totally beautiful! Come & visit, I'm having a give-away!

  63. I love those wine corks in the base of your planter!!

    Susan and Bentley

  64. I would use those terra cotta cookers, too. Nice. I love your rooster planter. Everything is so beautiful, French decor is my sweet spot.

  65. Love the note. Those kinds of surprises are like finding money in a jacket pocket. I think every store owner should put notes in thier exchange bags like that. It's actually quite charming.

    I like the stoneware too. I have unfortunately broken a few by storing them poorly but I have learned my lesson.
    (Don't worry there were no vintage pieces)


  66. What great finds Debbie! Love the cooker - how was the chicken?? And I love what you did with the little olive tree. I had no idea you could buy wine corks. Good thing - if I had to drink that much wine, I'd forget what I wanted the corks for in the first place! Hope you have a great week! Hugs, Kat

  67. Hi Debbie, how did I miss your recent posts? I love your little breakfast nook.

    Have a lovely week, Bonnie

    PS - say hi to the staff for me!

  68. You found some wonderful things! I love the clay cooker..what a deal..
    Everything looks so lovely.
    Your Frenchy music, well that's another story..:)

  69. What fabulous finds! Love your staff and chief cook too!

  70. Wow you have made some great finds! My goodwilll never has that good of stuff:-) the corks in the planter so clever and cute too!

  71. I enjoyed your entire post but absolutely LOVE the final photo of your breakfast's perfect.
    I would love to drop in for a cup of

  72. wish we have GW outlet here at my side of the world.. coz am sure we could be GW buddies by then... hehehehe.. and your dining area just lovely with blue plates on the wall.. lovely..

  73. Girl, you were soooo very blessed with your treasures!!

    You deserved every bit of it.

  74. I have to admit, I love all things French, but have never been a fan of the whole blue/yellow/rooster thing until now! This is fantastic--it all blends so seamlessly--new, vintage, etc.! I'm new to the blogging world and just became a follower of your blog! I hope you'll visit my blog, too! Oh--j'adore votre chats!

  75. Oh - how very pretty & very, very clever to toss those corks into the plant! I never would have thought of that & have been tossing them into the trash instead! From now on - I'm using them for mulch!

    Thanks for sharing your inspiration!

  76. I am so glad I found your blog! I found this exact pot at my local thrift store. Even my mom was not sure what it was so I brought it home and it sits in my cabinet. Now I am going to be on the look out. I bought mine because I thought it was interesting. Thanks for the post!
    The Adored Home


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate my wonderful readers!... Debbie